Game of Thrones actress Emilia Clarke shares how she spends her ideal night

Emilia Clarke opens up about how she values spending quality time with loved ones.

Pop Culture & Art June 13, 2024

Emilia Clarke, the 37-year-old actress known for her role in "Game of Thrones," recently shared with PEOPLE how she spends her ideal night with family and friends. As someone who travels frequently for work, Clarke cherishes the time she gets to spend with loved ones and prioritises creating meaningful experiences.

Clarke explained that her preferred activities include drinking, pub visits, comedy shows, fine dining, theatre outings, boat rides, and adventurous holidays. "When I'm drinking, it's because I am celebrating being with family and friends, or I'm celebrating an occasion," she clarified.

While she enjoys going out with friends, Clarke noted that her preferences have evolved as she's gotten older. "As I've gotten older, you switch the club for a very lovely restaurant," she shared. When spending time with family, she prefers more intimate settings, often opting to stay at home when a larger group gathers.

Regardless of the setting, Clarke always ensures a "perfectly crafted playlist" to enhance the atmosphere and create lasting memories. She emphasised the importance of activities and shared experiences in fostering deeper connections with loved ones. "Activities are always something that I love doing with my friends and family," she affirmed.


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