Kathie Lee Gifford reveals shocking transformation after husband's affair: I was never the same

‘Marriage is hard. Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is hard work’

Pop Culture & Art June 03, 2024

Kathie Lee Gifford, former co-host of "Today," has released a new book titled "I Want to Matter: Your Life Is Too Short and Too Precious to Waste," where she discusses her journey of faith following her husband Frank Gifford's extramarital affair. 

Gifford shared her experience of turning to faith and forgiveness during this challenging time, stating, "When you hurt, you pray." She emphasized the importance of love and forgiveness in preserving their marriage and family.

In the book, Gifford candidly reflected on the impact of the affair, stating, "I was never the same." She shared how the betrayal affected her deeply, yet she found strength in her faith to navigate through the pain and ultimately forgive her husband.

Gifford's book recounts the affair that occurred in 1997 and her subsequent struggles and eventual forgiveness with the help of a counselor. She reflected on her faith, stating, "My whole faith is built on the foundation of forgiveness: Jesus died for me for the forgiveness of my sins."

The book also highlights Gifford's deep bond with Reverend Billy Graham, who provided support and words of grace during their difficult time. Gifford expressed gratitude for Graham's kindness and influence on her faith journey.

Despite the challenges, Gifford and Frank's love endured until his passing in 2015. Gifford acknowledged that while the scar of infidelity remained, their love endured. She emphasized the importance of commitment and hard work in marriage, stating, "Marriage is hard. Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is hard work."

Throughout her journey, Gifford remained steadfast in her faith and commitment to sharing her message of love and forgiveness, inspired by her friendship with Reverend Billy Graham.


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