Tom Cruise is crushing on Angelina Jolie? Could they be Hollywood’s next celebrity couple?

Tom Cruise reportedly sees Angelina Jolie as his 'perfect match' and hopes to turn their friendship into a romance.

Pop Culture & Art June 03, 2024

Tom Cruise is reportedly interested in a potential romance with Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie, according to insiders cited by Heat Magazine. Sources claim that Cruise considers Jolie to be his “perfect match.”

Over the past few years, Cruise and Jolie have discussed collaborating on a project, and recently, Jolie has seemed more open to getting to know him socially. 

An insider told Heat Magazine, “Tom raves about Ange’s intellect and what a strong, impressive woman she is. He loves that she’s never really conformed in Hollywood.” 

The insider further explained, “They’re both such superstars, only a handful of people can truly understand the life they live. That in itself creates a bond.”

Cruise reportedly has a plan to transition their friendship into a romantic relationship. “His goal right now is to convince her to work with him, then he’ll romance her,” the insider shared. “He’s being careful not to come on too strong, but he wants to take it out of the friend zone.”

Regarding the potential impact of Cruise’s affiliation with Scientology on this budding relationship, the insider noted that Scientology might not be an obstacle. “He has no intention of pushing Scientology on her, as he quite astutely knows that it would send an anti-religious Angelina running in the other direction,” the source added. Despite the complexities, mutual friends believe a relationship between Cruise and Jolie is possible.


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