Royal Reconciliation: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle close to reuniting with The Firm?

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s reunion with the royals is now a possibility following recent revelations.

Pop Culture & Art May 29, 2024

In a surprising turn of events, the possibility of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle reconciling with the Royal Family seems to be looming on the horizon. 

Despite their tumultuous relationship with The Firm, characterized by bombshell revelations about life within Palace walls, recent developments suggest a thawing of tensions.

PR expert Ryan McCormick has shed light on this potential reconciliation, citing the deletion of a "controversial" statement made by Prince Harry in November 2016 as a significant step. 

The statement, which condemned certain sections of the press for their treatment of Meghan Markle, was removed from the Royal Family's official website after seven years.

Speaking exclusively to The Mirror, McCormick remarked, "The deletion of these negative digital footnotes signifies a deliberate effort to mitigate their impact on public perception. It appears that the Royal Family is laying the groundwork for a future reunion with Harry."

While acknowledging that some of the couple's actions have left lasting impressions, McCormick emphasized the importance of garnering positive attention through goodwill trips and charitable initiatives. 

"Both Harry and Meghan need to remain in the public's good graces for a prolonged period before genuine forgiveness can be extended," McCormick added.

Prince Harry's deleted statement had addressed the racial undertones and harassment faced by Meghan Markle, particularly from certain media outlets. 

Expressing concern for her safety, Prince Harry denounced the invasive tactics employed by paparazzi and tabloids, emphasizing that "this is not a game—it is her life and his."

As the Royal Family takes steps towards reconciliation, the prospect of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle reuniting with The Firm appears more promising than ever. 

Only time will tell if this newfound détente will lead to a full-fledged restoration of ties between the Sussexes and the Royals.


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