Chris Pratt reveals shocking spending spree after first huge paycheck

"First big paycheck? I thought, 'I'm set for life,'" Chris Pratt admits. "Two months later: 'Where'd it go?'"

Pop Culture & Art May 25, 2024
Courtesy: @pratt.pratt.pratt on Instagram

Chris Pratt, the star of "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Jurassic World," recently opened up about his early experiences with sudden wealth and the financial lessons he learned along the way. 

Speaking with Sway Calloway on SiriusXM's "Sway in the Morning," Pratt reminisced about his first substantial paycheck.

"The first paycheck I got, I was like, 'Are you serious?'" Pratt recounted. 

His initial big break, a TV movie that paid him $75,000, seemed like an infinite amount at the time. 

"I'm never gonna wait [tables] again. F--- you bitches. I am leaving," Pratt recalled saying. However, the reality of rapid spending hit soon after, with Pratt admitting, "Then about two months later, I was like, 'Where'd that money go?'"

Pratt's spending spree included trips back to Maui, Australia, and other global destinations. 

He humorously considered grand investments like yachts, a stark contrast to his earlier life of financial simplicity. 

"It was just a crazy amount of money to me. I never could have possibly imagined making that amount of money and it went very quickly," he explained.

Growing up without financial guidance, Pratt highlighted the importance of financial literacy, which he learned the hard way. "No one ever taught me financial literacy. I didn't know what to do with money," Pratt shared. 

This realization led him to develop a plan for financial security, ensuring he and his family would be stable, regardless of his career's trajectory.

Pratt's first major TV role in "Everwood" in 2003 marked a significant milestone in his career, not just financially but emotionally, when he was able to buy his mother a house. "That's when I felt like I made it," he expressed.


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