Vawda again challenges SC judge to prove him 'proxy'

Demands evidence, warns nation will suffer without fair resolution

Our Correspondent May 20, 2024
Former federal minister Faisal Vawda. PHOTO: EXPRESS/FILE


Senator Faisal Vawda dialled up his demand on Sunday for evidence to substantiate the 'proxy' allegations levelled against him by the Supreme Court judge.

He expressed his indignation, particularly at being branded as a 'proxy' by Indian media, a term he asserted was borrowed from the Supreme Court judge's remarks, deeming it a disgraceful accusation.

"You have besmirched the honour of my forefathers, and now you must provide evidence to support your claims," he demanded.

Faisal Vawda went on to say that his narrative has gained widespread acceptance, with the full backing of the Pakistani nation. "I retain the right to hold a press conference. There is no ban on my holding a press conference. I am a free Pakistani."

Read Vawda challenges SC judge to prove ‘proxy’ remarks

Senator Vawda lamented the state of justice in Pakistan and warned that without a swift and fair resolution, the nation would continue to suffer.

Referring to the historical grievances, he recalled the spectre of past injustices, including the assassination of former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, saying it left an enduring impact on the country’s democracy.

He pointed out that addressing mistakes should not be construed as a personal attack, explaining that the decision to hold a press conference was not “sudden” as there was a collective demand for answers from Pakistan's 240 million citizens.


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