Meghan Markle might skip UK reunion with Prince Harry on security pretext

The Sussexes' perceived reluctance is linked to the lack of government-funded security.

Pop Culture & Art April 03, 2024

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams has suggested that Meghan Markle could potentially use the issue of security as a pretext for avoiding a trip to the UK with Prince Harry and their children.


This speculation comes as rumors swirl about the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge extending a reconciliatory gesture to the Sussexes, following Kate Middleton's recent cancer diagnosis.


Despite the offer of an olive branch, Meghan's reluctance to travel to the UK is reportedly due to security concerns. Fitzwilliams, however, posits that while security might be invoked as a reason, it likely wouldn't present an actual obstacle, as the UK would ensure the family's safety.


The Sussexes' perceived reluctance is linked to the lack of government-funded security, compelling them to rely on expensive private security arrangements, deemed too dangerous for their children's safety.


Prince Harry is expected to visit the UK in May for the Invictus Games' tenth anniversary, which has fueled speculation about a possible family reunion, especially after a reported phone call between Harry and Prince William following Kate's health news.


To date, Harry and Meghan have not made any public remarks regarding the invitation. However, their support for the Royal Family during recent trials, including health challenges faced by King Charles and Kate, has been recognised.


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