People know only PPP can uplift Karachi: Wahab

Mayor says next govt will be of PPP as people see Bilawal as a viable leader

Our Correspondent January 05, 2024
Murtaza Wahab PHOTO: TWITTER


Mayor Murtaza Wahab has said that the people of Karachi voted for the Pakistan Peoples Party in the local government elections held on Jan 15, 2023 as they saw that only “our party had the capability to work for the welfare of the city”.

“We worked for the resolution of the issues of the people of Karachi with sincerity. The development work will continue. People think that the next government will be of the PPP as they see Bilawal Bhutto Zardari as a viable leader,” the mayor said during

‘Meeting the Editors’ programme organised by the Council of Newspaper Editors (CPNE) on Thursday.

Wahab said that the Jamaat-e-Islami benfited from the boycott by the Muttahida Qaumi Movement of the local government elections. He said MQM leader Waseem Akhtar was complaining that they did not have authority. “With complete authority, I say that there is no issue of authority. The mayor has complete authority to build parks, roads, hospitals and schools. It is the mayor’s authority. Nobody can stop it.”

He said if taxes were collected, this work could be done.

Earlier, CPNE Secretary General Ijazul Haq, Vice President Amir Mehmood and other members welcomed the Karachi mayor.

At the occasion, Haq said why doubts exist over the election of Karachi mayor whereas MQM’s Mustafa Kamal claims that he developed Karachi.

At the conclusion of the programme, Haq presented an Ajrak to Wahab while Mehmood gave him a bouquet.

CPNE Vice President Arif Baloch, Deputy Secretary General Hamid Hussain Abidi, Finance Secretary Ghulam Nabi Chandio, Joint Secretary Maqsood Yousufi and others were in attendance.


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