JI blasts IMF influence on Pakistan’s policies

Sirajul Haq says disheartening to see country seeking IMF’s permission to cut power tariff

Z Ali October 24, 2023


Jamaat- e -Islami ( JI) Ameer, Sirajul Haq, has strongly criticised Pakistan's compliance with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) conditionalities, asserting that it has reduced Pakistani citizens to a state of servitude within their own nation.

Addressing a convention held in Mansura, Matiari district, on Sunday night, he lamented, "It is disheartening that our country's prime minister must seek permission from the IMF to reduce electricity bills."

During his visit to Tando Muhammad Khan district, Haq also met with the family of Abdul Majeed Nizamani, a prominent agriculturist and Sindh Abadgar Board head.

He squarely blamed the international financial institution for imposing economic and financial policies that primarily hurt the ordinary people. Haq further argued that the political leaders in Pakistan are acting in line with the U.S. imperialist agenda, to the detriment of their own citizens.

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He stressed that the only solution to economic woes lies in a fair distribution of the country's resources and an accountable governance system.

Speaking of the caretaker federal government's responsibilities, Haq stated that their sole duty, alongside the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), is to ensure free and fair general elections. He expressed scepticism about any real progress in Pakistan as long as the country's leadership remains in the hands of leaders like Mian Nawaz Sharif from the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), Asif Ali Zardari from the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), and Imran Khan of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

Haq urged the people of Sindh to support his party, emphasising that a real change in the province's governance system can only be achieved through the power of their votes.

On the subject of Israeli actions against Palestinians, Haq mentioned the formation of the Al Quds committee with representation from major political parties to demonstrate unified national support for the Palestinians.

He also reiterated the demand for an independent commission to investigate the killing of journalist Arshad Sharif.


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