Balochistan agriculture hit hard by power crisis

Chief Minister Domki acknowledges losses inflicted by load-shedding on farm sector

Our Correspondent October 13, 2023
Pakistan’s agriculture sector is characterised by low mechanisation, outdated technology, and weak extension services. photo: file


Balochistan’s Caretaker Chief Minister, Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki, has emphasized the vital importance of providing uninterrupted electricity to farmers and expressed his concern over the significant losses incurred by the agricultural industry due to the power shortage.

The CM announced his intention to engage with relevant authorities at the federal level to resolve the power outage issues faced by crop growers. He directed the Quetta Power Supply Company (QESCO) to ensure a consistent power supply to the region.

Recognizing the pivotal role of the agriculture sector in Balochistan’s self-sufficiency and prosperity, Domki acknowledged that the crisis had severely impacted the province’s agriculture, upon which thousands of jobs depend. He emphasized that this critical situation could not be ignored.

Currently, Quetta’s agricultural sector is under threat due to prolonged power outages, as farmers rely on tube wells to irrigate their crops, with only a few of these wells having been solarized so far. The lack of reliable electricity supply could result in substantial financial losses for landlords who depend on consistent power for irrigation and crop management.

The caretaker CM expressed his deep understanding of the hardships faced by landlords and farmers in the region and affirmed his commitment to protecting their interests and the agricultural sector from potential devastation and financial losses.

Domki called for an urgent meeting with the head of QESCO to implement emergency solutions to restore power supply, demonstrating the government’s commitment to resolving the ongoing power crisis and its direct impact on landlord livelihoods.

The caretaker CM said that he is determined to prevent financial losses for farmers by restoring electricity as a matter of urgency and this proactive stance aims to provide immediate relief to the affected landlords and safeguard the agricultural sector from further damage.

To ensure a coordinated effort, caretaker provincial information minister Jan Achakzai has been directed to keep a close contact with the Zamindar Action Committee regarding the progress of the power restoration efforts. This collaborative approach emphasizes the government’s commitment to addressing the issue comprehensively.

Furthermore, the CM highlighted the government’s commitment to protect the interests of the minority community by allocating substantial funds in the budget for the preservation, construction, and repair of places of worship. He emphasized that quotas for minorities have been effectively implemented across government departments, including posts advertised through the Public Service Commission (PSC). He praised the exemplary harmony among various communities in Balochistan.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 13th, 2023.


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