Restructuring PIA

Open communication and transparency will be vital in the committee’s journey towards revitalising PIA

July 02, 2023


The recent decision by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to form a high-level committee for the restructuring, reformation, and revival of PIA presents a glimmer of hope for the nation’s beleaguered flag carrier. Amidst years of financial turmoil and a declining reputation, this move signals a commitment from the government to tackle the root causes of the airline’s decline and usher in a new era of efficiency and success. By bringing together a diverse set of perspectives, the committee stands to benefit from a well-rounded approach that addresses the multifaceted challenges plaguing PIA.

At the heart of PIA’s troubles lies its shrinking international routes and severe financial leakages as a result of previous administrations’ negligence. The resulting loss of billions of rupees has placed the airline in a precarious financial position. To recover lost ground, the committee must urgently develop a robust strategy to regain these vital routes and inject funds to provide stability. Rebuilding diplomatic ties and offering exceptional customer service will be vital steps in attracting international investors and passengers alike. While increasing the fleet from 27 to 49 planes is a significant move, the committee must complement this expansion with a comprehensive business plan to ensure long-term sustainability. Drawing inspiration from successful global airlines, the focus must shift to operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and innovation. By emulating best practices, PIA can re-position itself as a world-class airline, driving positive perceptions both within Pakistan and beyond its borders. Equally important is the government’s recognition of its role in fostering a supportive environment for the airline’s success. By limiting its intervention to policy-making and facilitating private sector investment, the government can enable PIA to function more flexibly, adapt to market changes, and operate with greater efficiency.

Open communication and transparency will be vital in the committee’s journey towards revitalising PIA. Seeking input from stakeholders, including industry experts and employees will cultivate a sense of ownership and responsibility in the transformation process. Embracing a participatory approach will not only garner valuable insights but also engender trust among those directly affected by the proposed reforms. There is positive hope that the once-proud flag carrier will reclaim its position as a symbol of national pride and prosperity.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 2nd, 2023.

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