LWMC expedites crackdown against littering

Illegal dumping of waste being strictly monitored across Lahore

APP April 18, 2023
A file photo of LWMC garbage truck. PHOTO: Express


The Lahore Waste Management Company (LWMC) enforcement team has conducted special operation against people responsible for littering of their localities, issued challans to 466 shopkeepers and common citizens and imposed Rs1.5 million fine on them during the past 15 days.

Under the supervision of LWMC Chief Executive Officer Babar Sahib Din, the enforcement wing is strictly monitoring illegal dumping of waste across city.

The CEO said the management was following zero tolerance policy against illegal dumping of garbage on roads and he had given standing instructions for strict action against those responsible for illegal dumping.

The LWMC enforcement team issued challans to shopkeepers and imposed Rs1,000 fine on each over littering. During the last 15 days, the enforcement teams completed inspection of more than 5,500 places and 595 challans were issued.

Fine was imposed over violation of the Local Government Act, while more than 752 warning notices were issued over minor violations.


Published in The Express Tribune, April 18th, 2023.


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