Body formed to probe ‘objectionable’ paper by varsity teacher

Minister directs COMSATS rector to suspend head of examination department, others

Zaigham Naqvi February 23, 2023


The Ministry of Science and Technology has expressed its displeasure over the action taken by COSMATS University Islamabad against a teacher for asking a ‘controversial question’ in the English composition exam.

The ministry constituted a two-member committee to re-investigate the matter and submit a report within one week.

Federal Minister for Science and Technology Agha Hasan Baloch expressed his anger over the issue pertaining to the inclusion of “un-Islamic and unnatural question” in a BEE first semester English quiz by COMSATS University.

The COMSATS University told the Ministry of Science and Technology that the services of the faculty member had been terminated.

The university had, however, exonerated other officials in the matter.

The federal minister termed the steps taken by the university “insufficient and unsatisfactory” and formed a two-member committee to re-investigate the matter, which will submit its recommendations to the federal minister within a week.

Sources said that in light of the inquiry report, action will be taken against all those responsible for the oversight.

Agha Baloch also directed the COMSATS University rector to suspend the head of the examination department and its related departments until recommendations of the inquiry committee were received.

The minister said that due to the negligence of the departments concerned, no one pointed out the “senseless, unethical and un-Islamic question” at the initial stage.

He said that the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif will not tolerate “immoral, anti-tradition” things which are contravene to Islamic teachings.

“The government will take every possible step to protect and promote the values and traditions of the Islamic ideology along with modern scientific sciences in the education sector,” he said.

Earlier, an application was submitted to the Shehzad Town police station, seeking registration of a case against the COMSATS University lecturer over the “objectionable” quiz.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 23rd, 2023.


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