Shahbaz Taseer’s kidnapping

It appears that the surest way to live in Pakistan is to profess to follow the faith blindly.

Letter August 26, 2011
Shahbaz Taseer’s kidnapping

NIDDERAU, GERMANY: It appears that the surest way to live in Pakistan is to profess to follow the faith blindly. It’s a shame really what has happened.

Sharif Lone

Published in The Express Tribune, August 27th, 2011.


Abdul Rehman Gilani | 13 years ago | Reply


Dear, do me a favor and stop putting words in the Quaid's mouth and quote me direct words instead of your own. The Quaid-e-Azam is on record to have called Pakistan the premier Islamic state. And as far as mullahs are concerned, research who Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Usmani was.

A theocracy is a state ruled by the clergy which receive divine guidance, such a concept doesnt even exist in Islam, as revelation has ended with the Holy Prophet Pbuh. The states under the Pope during the Middle Ages are examples of this. So liberals should think twice before comparing Islam with Christianity, which is a common error they make.

Jizya is a tax whose amount is equivalent to peanuts. Please dont make that an issue.

I said it before and say it again, liberals should stop using minority rights for their own agenda. In an Islamic state, minorities have their due rights.

And finally, remember Pakistan is an Islamic Republic, when people like Ayub tried installing secularism by removing the word Islamic, they met such stiff opposition that they had to revert it. So seculars are even much lesser in number than the Islamists, if your argument is conceded to.

SharifL | 13 years ago | Reply

@Abdul Rehman Gilani: All the liberals and secularists respect the voices of right and religious views. They respect your views and allow these to be aired. But it appears this tolerance is one sided. How can it work when those who oppose your views are killed, threatened and are scared. Even the maulvi who offered Janaza prayers for Taseer had to hide himself in non Muslim UK. It is like having a boxing fight where one side has to tie his hands in the back and give free access to the punches. It makes us wonder the state of mind of the likes of you.

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