Younus launches sports school

Batsman wants players to pursue education and career simultaneously.

Umar Farooq August 23, 2011
Younus launches sports school

LAHORE: Pakistan batsman Younus Khan has laid the foundation for a multi-purpose schooling system for sportsmen, which will help aspiring players acquire education, something which they often have to forego when pursuing their sporting careers.

The school will be offering scholarships to deserving youngsters who plan on pursuing a sporting career. Currently the institution will only offer playing facilities for budding cricketers but there are plans to expand its scope.

The project, named the GIFT School System, has opened its first branch in Lahore with plans on opening more four more branches in the city.

Younus said that he did not want Pakistani sportsmen to be deprived of education and therefore has launched the project in partnership with leading educationists.

“The idea is to give sportsmen quality education,” he said. “In Pakistan you can either pursue a full time sporting career or concentrate on your studies. We still don’t have the option of pursuing both at the same time. This school will enable youngsters to not give up on education even if they want to take up a career in sports.”

Published in The Express Tribune, August 24th,  2011.


Syed | 12 years ago | Reply

@ahmed juneid: Sir someone who sells out the country's pride for a few buck is not a national hero. People say he was young and innocent but he was 18 and at that age you are considered an adult in all parts of the world. On a positive note he still has time to stage a comeback and regain the nations trust and confidence.

ali | 12 years ago | Reply

its a great concept by great payer but da main problem is how well it goes............

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