Ombudsman orders payments

Relief worth Rs12.92 million provided to complainants of Punjab

APP July 19, 2022


Relief worth Rs12.92 million has been provided to complainants of different districts in cases relating to provincial government departments on the orders of Punjab Ombudsman Major (retd) Azam Suleman Khan.

The ombudsman's office spokesperson said on Monday that the children of Ghulam Farid of Lahore had been provided talent scholarships worth Rs333,233.

A sum of Rs2.432 million was released to construct the boundary wall of Government Girls High School in Kamoke tehsil.

The office of the ombudsman ensured the payment of Rs 2.8 million to Allah Wasaya of Kasur in pension arrears and also intervened in the payment of employment dues of Rs1.29 million to Sardar Masih of Faisalabad.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 19th, 2022.


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