Hamza visits homeless kids on Eid

CM felicitates children, staff at SOS village

Our Correspondent July 13, 2022
Punjab Chief Minister Hamza Shahbaz is talking to the children of SOS Village on Eid Day. PHOTO: APP


Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Hamza Shehbaz visited the SOS Children’s Village on the Eid day and spent quite some time with the homeless children living there.

He felicitated the children and the staff of the facility and gave the ‘Eidi’.

The CM also visited the library and community centre at the village and announced a gift of solar panels for the building.

Meanwhile, Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz commended the LWMC and other agencies for their arrangements for Eidul Azha in the province.

In a video message, the CM said the best arrangements were evidence of good governance.

The administration followed the instructions regarding sanitation and excellent arrangements were made in the cities.

He said the government would work hard restore for the province’s people the conditions left by the previous PML-N government in 2018 while striving to restore the beauty of Lahore.

Talking to the media, the CM stated that the state and economy needed to be managed more than politics.

In the current circumstances, if someone obstructs the affairs of the country in the garb of politics, the nation will never forgive such elements, he added.


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