Moody’s downgrades Pakistan’s outlook from stable to negative

Decision is driven by external vulnerability risk and uncertainty around ability to secure external financing

News Desk June 02, 2022
Russia’s economy is heading for the worst contraction since the years following the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union. Photo: reuters

Moody's Investors Service – one of the world’s top three credit rating agencies – on Thursday downgraded Pakistan’s outlook from stable to negative

However, it affirmed the ‘B3’ local and foreign currency long-term issuer and senior unsecured debt ratings.

The decision to change the outlook to negative is driven by Pakistan's heightened external vulnerability risk and uncertainty around the sovereign's ability to secure additional external financing to meet its needs, the rating agency said in its report.

Moody's assessed that Pakistan's external vulnerability risk has been amplified by rising inflation, “which puts downward pressure on the current account, the currency and – already thin – foreign exchange reserves, especially in the context of heightened political and social risk”.

Pakistan's weak institutions and governance strength add uncertainty around the future direction of macroeconomic policy, including whether the country will complete the current IMF Extended Fund Facility (EFF) programme and maintain a credible policy path that supports further financing.

Also read: No-trust move: Moody's concerned for Pakistan's economy

“The decision to affirm the B3 rating reflects Moody's assumption that, notwithstanding the downside risks mentioned above, Pakistan will conclude the seventh review under the IMF EFF programme by the second half of this calendar year, and will maintain its engagement with the IMF, leading to additional financing from other bilateral and multilateral partners,” it said.

In this case, Moody's assessed that Pakistan will be able to close its financing gap for the next couple of years. The B3 rating also incorporates Moody's assessment of the scale of Pakistan's economy and robust growth potential, which will provide the economy with some capacity to absorb shocks.

These credit strengths are balanced against Pakistan's fragile external payments position, weak governance and very weak fiscal strength, including very weak debt affordability.

The two-notch gap between the foreign currency ceiling and the local currency ceiling reflects incomplete capital account convertibility and relatively weak policy effectiveness, which point to material transfer and convertibility risks notwithstanding moderate external debt, read the report.


Ismail Saadiq | 2 years ago | Reply Pakistan soon will default and accept IMF terms. The imported government will screw the Pakistani people and move to the UK.
syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply 645645654d6 pd54l6 45dpl6 4 5646464564d56d4p654dk65 4d64 5dp65d46 4dl6 d45 6ld45 p64d5l7 p45d76d45p 6ld54p 6ld4564 5d 64d5p6745dl6p 4d5k6l45d6 54kdl64d56 45dp654d75d4p76 54d6k 4d5p654kd6 4p5dl764p d56l 54d6pl45 6p54l6 p45l645d6 syedmerjhmed d46d54654666 546 5464d5674d56d456 54d64d7645dp6 4dl6 p45d6l4d p76l4d5 6pl4d56 d4plk64 5pl6k4p564lk5d6p4d56k4d65pk3463 4634 634636445654d64dp4d5k6745dp645d764d5m64d5mk7 6p4d564d5 ly5 45l6 5dp47l65d46pl456 4564 654654654654dp64dl56p 45dlm7d54p l764d5p7l6d45p6 4d5l6p5l4dp56 l5d4m76 4d5 645d6d45645d64645d76 45dp6d546l54 6p4dlm6p4 5mdl64dm 5p6l4d5 m74ld p764d5 7p64dl5674 d 57lp64d 5pl45d 6 4d5lp4d5 file mlpm6 4lp55 4plk645dm6 4d564d5646m456p4dm64p d5ml645m p64l5dm7p4ld5m 7p64ld5mp65ld4m64 5dpl64d5 syedmerjhmed 64d5m64d56 M M M64m65464645645645645645645646546456464567954 dp7ld7 p645668fp 8l 56pl 6456546546d465 d4p6d546d4564d65d465465d465464564 564566546 66p l456 p45l64 5p6ld45 p7d4l57 d45 6l4d5p 6d4l5k64pd 5l764d6 d4645464564807syedmerjhmed54665465465464564654d7645d645654d64d65d46 p4dl6 4d 64dlp546l54d 6d4p5l64 d 565d4lp65 4d6d45654d654d7654d 6d456 45d6l4d5 6lk45d6p 45d6lk54dp 6kl54 6d456d46d546d54pm7d4k576p45d654m6 5d4654 765d46 4d5 6 45d65d4 654d 6p5d4l65 4d 64565464654dm754kpdm64d5m 6ky45d 6d4654d m md645d6 4d5m64dp5m6l45d file 6p5 p54dl6p54d m6kl54 654d 65d4654d64d64dmkdm6 5p46 45pdm654md64d 5mld6p54d6lm45d mp6l4d5m6p4l5dm6 syedmerjhmed d45m65dp4lm645l6 4dm6 54md645dm6 45m65d46456464564564564565460syedmerjhmed45654645645 dp7654d6 45dp6l54d file 64d5lp65d 465l4d6 45pl654d65d4p6l4d6 d 456p45lk6 45 dk67pl5d4 syedmerjhmed 4kdl6p 54dl674dp5 654dl6d54p7l45dp6lkd456 p4d5kl64565 46464565465465465465464564567659 5dp6l456 p54d6l54d 6ld4p57 home 4lmp6k 4d56pd546lkd56d45645d 6p546456456456456469file46546d4565d4745d6d4645d745d64d654 6pld54 67 4d5p6l4dp 64d5l6 45 d6pl54d 6 4d56pl5d4 p6lk4d5 p6lk4d5p6 kdl547 5d 4klp645dp65d4lk6pd4lk64p 5d7kl45d6o4 74d5 7 6 545ld6 4d56 45ld4564d5 64d5645654dp764d5l64d5 6d546p4d5l764d5 p6lk4d56 4d564d56456p5465d4mkp6 d45m654dm764d56 4dm ld56d4 56546546 45d6p 45l654p dl 645646464d64d654d64d74d5654d64d64d56 456d5464d64654d64645690 mp7kl5d4m 645dm67 d 46p4dm7k645d 6 54d64 d5m764ld5m6 pd45ml65 4p6l45d 6ld45 6p4l5d6 564654 654d6 4d64d5 6p4dl64d syedmerjhmed 6464646464d65456546464 64d6456456546465465464564564564566 4d5mkl6p4m45d6 D DM P6k5464 645d 67o4pd564d5m645m64d5m64d5m 654m664 5l6p45d6l4 p4ld576 syedmerjhmed 45d6lp4d5 6p4ld56 45m64d5m6456456 6456554645645 646456456456456867 8p fl 87p6l876p l8ppkl75 7k4dlp 64dk6pl456k4d5645645dk6745op456456k45 dkm74m564 646464646687690 5dp7 45p64l65 4 p6l54 lkm6 54d64 DPLk6d5464lkd5m65dp4mkl74d57 45 mm674 64568906655465464654646546464pd646546465464545ol645k64pd56lk4d5 6d456pd45654d654d65o4d64545m45645654645 65464564565464565468678 5d7o6k45op6pd45ok654dp o 6pd45654645645 6546 4654645654654654645645645645645689 0 46456o45k6d5op46k4dpo7k54d6p45ok654 p 64d64d646 4654654654645645o64564564564565780filesyedmerjhmedheple5465464o6456p4654o654k64do654646 45l65465465465465464565465464560
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