Rupee hits new record low of Rs192.53 against dollar

Miftah links rupee’s recovery to coming out of PTI-IMF deal’s clutches

Salman Siddiqui May 13, 2022
File Photo (AFP)


The Pakistani rupee on Friday hit a new record low of Rs192.53 against the dollar after declining by 0.39% or 76 paisas in the inter-bank market, as it continued to nosedive against the greenback for the sixth consecutive working day.

The rupee briefly hit intra-day all-time low of Rs193 before partially recovering to close at Rs192.53.

The domestic currency had closed at Rs191.77 against the global currency on Thursday, according to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).

The latest depreciation was recorded following the central bank’s report on Thursday that the country's foreign exchange reserves had depleted to a 22-month low at $10.3 billion in the week ended on May 6, 2022.

"The rupee is weakening due to inability of the new coalition (PML-N) government in parliament to give an economic roadmap," Arif Habib Limited (AHL) Head of Research Tahir Abbas told The Express Tribune.

Read ‘Federal govt must share IMF deal details’

Last month, the rupee had recovered to Rs181 after the PML-N formed its government in mid-April from the then all-time low of Rs188.18 recorded on April 7.

The recovery was seen soon after former PML-N finance minister Ishaq Dar said in an interview that the rupee should recover to Rs160 soon.

The domestic currency, however, failed to sustain the mid-April gains, as the country's balance of international payment crisis continued to worsen with non-stop depletion in the foreign exchange reserves by every passing week.

Alone in the past six consecutive working days, the rupee cumulatively lost 3.68% (or Rs6.84) to Rs192.53 as compared to Rs185.69 on April 30.

The dwindling reserves continued to weaken the country's balance of payments. Accordingly, the country's ability to pay for imports and repay foreign debt contracted during the past several months.

The $10.3 billion reserves reduced the country's import cover to less than two-month as compared to the usual three-month.

"Pakistan's default risk is on the rise, as dwindling reserves have squeezed the country’s capacity to pay for imports and repay foreign debt," Abbas said. "Pakistan has no option but to resume the IMF (International Monetary Fund) multibillion dollar loan programme at any cost."

To recall, Pakistan is scheduled to resume talks with the IMF on May 18 in Doha for the revival of the loan programme.

The global lender, however, has put tough conditions to revive the programme including removal of subsidies being paid on petroleum products and electricity to end-consumers.

It has been over a month that the incumbent government came to power following the ouster of the PTI government through a no-confidence vote. However, the incumbent government has not yet taken the pre-requisite measures of rolling back the subsidies.

It apparently ceased to withdraw the subsidies amid growing political pressure from the ousted former prime minister Imran Khan, as the PTI has demanded an early election in the country.

"The ambiguities in its (PML-N) economic policies kept mounting pressure on [the] rupee," he said.

It is highly expected that the government would announce withdrawing some of the subsidies on May 15 ahead of the resumption of its talks with the IMF on May 18, he said.

The IMF programme is on hold for the past 11 months.

The success of the talks would follow the release of the IMF tranche of $1 billion to Islamabad to stabilise the foreign exchange reserves. The revival of the programme is likely to be followed by additional inflows from bilateral and multilateral lenders, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and China.

Subject to the financial watchdog's conditions, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif will have to overcome all obstacles likely to be presented by his cabinet members before talks resume and finalise a decision on fuel subsidies.

Sources told The Express Tribune that the premier had directed the finance ministry to once again ask the IMF to partially relax its condition of increasing fuel prices.

The development comes amid a delay in finalisation of new loan deals with Saudi Arabia, China and the UAE.

Experts recalled that the rupee had depreciated by Rs33 to around Rs98 against the dollar during the Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) five-year tenure that was completed in 2013.

However, the rupee dropped to around Rs115 against the dollar during the PML-N tenure (2013-18) due to the ever-mounting foreign debt.

The rupee fell by a massive Rs73 to Rs188 during the PTI’s three-and-a-half-year rule from August 2018 till the first week of April 2022.

Further, Finance Minister Miftah Ismail held the previous PTI-led government responsible for the current economic crisis in the country, saying that former prime minister Imran Khan-led regime’s “flawed agreement” with the IMF led to a rise in inflation and depreciation of the rupee against the dollar.

“If we get out of the clutches of the agreement Imran Khan inked with the IMF, only then the rate of dollar will come down. Reviving the economy that Imran Khan left is not an easy task,” he said in a statement on Friday.

He added that the subsidy on petroleum products announced by the PTI government had put financial pressure on the economy.

Fuel subsidies were estimated at Rs120 billion this month, the minister said, adding that no government could bear the burden of such a large amount of subsidies. If the government had no money and still gave subsidy, it had to borrow more, he added.

Pressure on the rupee was mounting due to rising interest rates and Imran Khan-led government borrowed loans worth Rs20,000 billion which was the largest-ever amount in the country’s history, Miftah said.

Due to this debt, the PML-N government came under severe financial pressure and the foreign exchange reserves left by the previous government were only sufficient to pay for only a few days of the import bill, he added.

Miftah said the PTI government violated the conditions of the IMF agreement which put the programme on hold.

 “We have to renew the IMF agreement. Imran created problems in relations with all countries, including China and Saudi Arabia,” he added.

Holding former premier Imran responsible for the present economic catastrophe and the dollar's unprecedented flight against the rupee, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Marriyum Aurangzeb on Friday said that the PTI regime plunged the country in the quagmire of problems.

Giving her reaction to the statement of PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry, she said that Imran was squarely responsible for the dollar's historic flight against the Pakistani rupee.

The minister said that Imran had signed an agreement with the IMF and the people of Pakistan were facing high inflation as a result.

The minister said that the people faced "economic terrorism" in the country due to the “inefficient and incompetent Imran government as well as cartels and mafia raj” for nearly four years.

“Today, the economic instability in the country is the outcome of Imran's policies,” she said, adding that in the case of petroleum, the former PM had done irreparable damage to the economy only to divert attention from his failed politics.

"Imran sahib is responsible for the difficult decisions being taken now," she said, adding that the PTI chairman had (once again) climbed on the container to cover up his anti-people economic crimes.

She reminded Imran that putting the country's economy and people's future at stake for political purposes was tantamount to treason.

Marriyum said that it was ironic that the PTI regime's incompetence and bad economic policies were the reason behind the inflation being faced by the people, but now they were making the noise about inflation.

She advised Imran that instead of making hue and cry, he should hold himself accountable for inflation and economic crisis.

“Four years of incapable, inefficient and incompetent rule accompanied by cartels and mafias carried out economic terrorism against the people.”

(With input from app)


syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply hblpk654646464654646464d645646464d674646464d64d6545d645d645d646464d645d64d564564564d564564p64dp 64dp 64p 65l4 p6l45 64p5l6 4 56p46 4l6p 46l4 p6l4o6 4lp564p6l4p64k64674564564564646p464 64l6 4pl64p6l456pl456456l46l46 4p6l4p 6l46k464564564n4n646 p64 pln6l4n645n6546n p5464 dp5n6p4 6l4 6pl46 4p6l4 6pl46pl4 64pl564 6l4 67l56 p5l64 5k6l464n4n454n65l4456 4pl654p6l456p4l6 46pl6 syedmerjhmed 46p5465 46l46646464646456464564564l5 4ld64 p567l l45 6pl45645l645 6456656546546456546654466b4o54435553535465485675754odc5553453535345345654654689 65p46l hblpk 456pl46p 4l645 p6l5464564564565464565465l syedmeejhmed564654665464646464646464644646p446464664o64k64646l464645654645654654646464646464646p544355 654645l64 56l45 65l4645654645645654665466479 s4p5l345p 3ls5s 3pl53s 4pl3s63s 66456456457564 6546 pl4645l654 syedmerjhmed 6 4565466565465464564645645645645645645645646464564565466654l6 4p56l 4p6l4 6pl46p 45ld64 p6l46464564 k54353454354353453454435345345345345345345345334534534535680oksyedmerjhmed546546456546546546p64545o6p4o6p45k6o45k64opk64po6k45654l6k45dl54kd6pok645o6k45645o6k456ok45645p 6ok46p4k64 5dp6456464645d6456456l4k64l56k45lkd45p6kp46ok456ok45646k46 46p46 4645654645646d47k45p7kdpoykdp54k4pd5o6k456po4564p64m6456456l4bkl654k56lp4k6p46k4p6kd464d5k6456k456k456p456k46 p456ok45645646456456 d4n55kylpdk5dplk54pk6po4k6546ok546p 54ko654 6ok45p6 54k6p45o6k45 6ok54n645nkp654n 45n445p4lk645plkylk l kdp6456664564564564o645dk6456ko45op6k54p6ok45n4pk5645n 456oj4m46 645n4564646456546546546456546456456464545685o53opk3opk5p3okp3o6k4p645654645od47j4m6p664646464645645k4op5p6 6546546464646456456567kd5lykd5po6k4syedmerjhmed466664664646k45654p6464654 654654654654645654654645665684p6k6456opk456p45ok6p456k4 5no4ko54 4456k4p5o6456k45pl6k5p4p3535435435435kssp34ok53 5k3 k45p3ok45 p34o5k4 35ks43 bbbbbbkpkp 43jk5b 456456456456646l45k45p6kn45syedmerjhmedpk5p6ok46po4k646666546545465p46lk45pl6k5ponkp45 654656546546546456456456456456475678o65pk46op54k654o6k456546456546456546546846o5k46op54k64p5o6k45 6jp 6645646oj46465465464564564645654667966oks56k34o6sk36osk36 pokmo5d4 56pok56 p46k46 46p6456456546546546456456456456656896656464654n74546op4646op4k6p4o56k546op54k64po6k546p564654654654646o45j64m6464645654645646k45op6k45po645po7k4dok45p6ok546p54ok645 654p645645645 654654665464k645o54l6k456k45lpkyp5d5d654o6k456456p5o4k6454564645654645645okpo655465p654654646465465465464564564564564565464564567pk645p6k45p6ok456 54p6ko456p 4565k4p6 54654645654 645645645645645645645645654646548syedmerjhmed646456546546456546456546456456456546456456456456656795syedmerjhmed5656646546j456456k456456456456456464646546464645645645645654645645645678545j353353oiji5j34ij3oji6o45664646464645j64564565 465465464564564564564564564564667946oi4j6io6j46j6k6j456lj4o646464646464646o4ij46o45646466464646464646456456o46464564567890syedmerjhmed546564565465p46456456o56k46o456kp4565k 456ok4564k64p 6ok45 p65464o654646456546546l45kylkpok6o464564646467 4kd5n p4ok645 645ko64p5 6oksyedmerjhmed654656456568 p4564645645645645664578953s53op5k5opk5p3o5k3p53 53 5355 534534534534534553535353458
PNS Gazi | 2 years ago | Reply Problem is the imported government
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