How to steer out of BOP crisis?

Balance of payments woes demand extraordinary measures rather than going to IMF

Salman Siddiqui May 09, 2022
The finance ministry said that the exchange value of the rupee was maintained at an artificially high level in the past, which triggered the balance of payments crisis. PHOTO: REUTERS


Pakistan’s economy is once again stuck in a balance of payments (BOP) crisis primarily due to swelling import payments and debt repayments, which demand extraordinary and immediate measures to get rid of the quagmire instead of looking at the IMF for rescue.

The government is engaged in talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the resumption of $6 billion loan programme and has also approached friendly countries to steer out of the crisis.

However, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Dean and Professor Dr Ashfaque Hasan Khan – who considers the IMF part of the problem rather than a solution – has suggested some out-of-the-box solutions.

“I am least bothered about the IMF (loan programme),” Khan said in a comprehensive talk with The Express Tribune. “Balance of payments is the only challenge facing the economy now.”

The flow of payments has got strained due to the inflated import bill. “Pakistan has continued to increase imports of petroleum products despite a hefty rise in commodity prices,” Khan said while pointing out the factor behind the crisis.

The country’s energy import bill doubled to $14.81 billion in the first nine months (Jul-Mar) of current fiscal year from $7.55 billion in the same period of previous year, according to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.

The energy bill grew after the benchmark Brent crude price hit a multi-year high above $130 per barrel following the start of Russia-Ukraine war in late February.

The crude oil price now hovers around $110 per barrel compared to less than $65 more than a year ago in February-March 2021.

Propelled by the swelling imports, the current account deficit spiked to $13.17 billion in the first nine months of FY22 against only $275 million in the same period of last year. These numbers reflect the emerging balance of payments crisis.

According to Khan, there are two immediate and other solutions to the payment problem, of which one is “sticking to the five-day working week”.

Earlier, the new government, immediately after taking over in April, took a populist move by adopting a six-day working week. “This is a highly expensive populist decision,” he remarked.

One can imagine how much it would cost in terms of additional transportation demand and power consumption. Running wagons, buses and cars on roads and air conditioners and computers at workplaces will add up to the already burgeoning petrol cost and electricity bills.

Secondly, according to Khan, the employees should be asked to work from home for one day in the five-day working week.

“You can save petrol and electricity for another day through implementing the work-from-home model. The entire world is doing this and Pakistan has also successfully tested the model during the Covid-19 pandemic. This will help cut the heavy energy import bill to some extent,” the NUST dean said.

Thirdly, the government should discourage all non-essential imports by imposing a prohibitive duty.

“The country which is facing the balance of payments crisis … is importing expensive cars including BMWs in notable quantities. Impose quantity restrictions on such luxury imports to save dollars,” Khan said.

He suggested that imports of above 1,300cc cars should not be allowed and it must also be defined how many cars the country would import in a month and a year and it should not import beyond that.

In Singapore, which a very rich country and has per capita income of $65,000, customers are delivered cars five years after booking. “In comparison, the average per person earning in Pakistan stands at a mere $1,600 but we demand immediate delivery of expensive cars.”

Fourth, Pakistan has continued to import expensive mobile phones in huge quantities in parts form in the name of so-called manufacturing in the country.

“This is untrue. Pakistan does not manufacture cellphones. Instead, we import the phones in the shape of parts and just assemble them in the country,” he said.

“The industry has been given duty relief on imports. Therefore, not only dollars are gone in imports, but the country also loses tax revenue.” He called for suspending imports and assembly for two years.

The country also imports expensive cheese, butter and cosmetics. “Impose prohibitive duties on imports of such items,” Khan said.

Fifth, Pakistan spends $150 million every month as people opt for international travel and shopping. Earlier, such expenses had gone down to $10 million a month during the pandemic but rebounded to $150 million once again.

“Restrictions should be imposed through the levy of 250-300% central excise duty (CED) on airline tickets, except for the visiting expatriate Pakistanis and students,” Khan emphasised.

“Besides, impose 50% charges on spending in foreign currency through credit cards. Such measures (restrictions on international travel) will save around $1 billion a year.”

Pakistan can cut its import bill by around $10 billion a year immediately through discouraging imports of fast-moving, high-value and non-essential goods.

Besides, the current account deficit of over $13 billion includes import of Covid-19 vaccines of over $4 billion in the first nine months of FY22. “It is a must to save lives,” Khan remarked.

He stressed that foreign exchange reserves should be saved to fix the balance of payments problem. “A dollar saved is a dollar earned.” The reduction in imports will ease inflationary pressure in the country.

Khan also proposed some fiscal measures to address the economic woes ahead of the budget presentation.

He suggested that the government should gradually cut the benchmark policy rate to around 7% over the next five to six months from the current 12.25% rate.

“A reduction of one percentage point in the policy rate will reduce interest payments on debt by Rs200 billion a year,” he pointed out.

“What will we save after paying most of the money in interest cost? This is a cause of the surge in budget deficit. We have been stuck in a debt trap. Take measures to come out of the trap.”

Moreover, there is a need to review the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP). The government should scrap all those development projects for which it has initially allocated only 5-10% funds or even 20%, Khan suggested.

“We have to reduce our throw forward (accumulated cost of projects for a period of more than one year),” he said. “There are around 1,500 projects under the PSDP having a cost of Rs6.3 trillion. The government can reduce the PSDP size by 80% through dropping projects in their initial stages.” Besides, according to Khan, the rupee-dollar exchange rate should be appreciated. “The country has done it successfully in the past. There is no real market-based exchange rate mechanism. Rupee devaluation only multiplies inflation.”

The increase in country’s exports is the result of soaring commodity prices in the world market instead of rupee depreciation.

The writer is a staff correspondent


Published in The Express Tribune, May 9th, 2022.

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syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply 5646s45s35s34js35j3s4l5io43s53s5435s3io5j3s4oi54s35ij43o5345.4354353453s4634s53s45k43j543sk53js45k3sj45k34sj5o4s35s354353453s45s3563s4345j35o3s454js36k34js65o34s53453543543s53s453j4s5345o34j53oj3so455554354353s4653343sk5j3453453j45o3j6s345s3534543543543543534s53s5o34sij5345j345j34sop56s34535345 435435435s3453sj6o4psj5op5s354.353534534543 53453s4ji5j345345ks34j5s345kj3s45ojs3465p34s5j3p53o4535.3535 35435435345345o54j3s o54js35o34s653 4s5s345so3543543j54353534sj5o34j543os6j3s4pos65345o35j34o5j435o3453453534s543534j53s5435435o34si5j3o453s543s63js4p5o34534543543543534543.5435435i43j6o34siok5435ok34m53o53ko53s4o63s4op5s34534543 543543o534sj54s3634s634s534534543o53543453453js5o64s35j3os4534534534534i5j34s6o34s5n3o45m3so5s3j50p 435353535oj345oj34p3o535 3543535353so5j3s3so5j3sopij345op35ji35 3o53o4s5435435435k4354ktol4s3j45p3o4534033 53454354353o534j5o345j34p5o34534s5 435345435354354o35j353j45om345345o35j34po534s5343543534o5j35o3kj534so5js3op45435 4353543543543534534555564joj45o3p5j34opj345p435o43535 435435435i3sj53s4535m3k5 34534k5345j3o5ij35op534535435735j45o3sjs3o4p5j3s5ps35s35o353 34535353535j3534s55453453o5353j45355j3o5j3543543535554jo5j3o5j34p534oj4i54o35jp5o53454 4354354353j53so53sk453454 354354354353453453453454547786867876n789g7845o54354354354353454353453453534534580-hblpk64645646464654d64dj56oli646o5646465465465464564 6456456456456456546464654645689syedmerjhmed546654664654646465465465465465465464565465464565465465465465465464565843i5o345j43oi5j435i34j543po543543543543535435 35435435435353535353453453453544534579i5345353535k435j4s36oj3s4po5s3453543543s54s3534 s53535353j5o4s3ij5op345345j43io53j4s534s5 345353534o5j3oj3s4o6534pos505.34 534534534534534o5isj5oi3sj5so34i5j3o53j45po3345353453joi3joi3j5o4ijs34op54.345 345435o5j5ps35j345po4435 353454353543534543534535334o53ij3oi5j34poj3453pos5j3p5ij3s5po3s5j3s535j3 34534534544354354353453453534534534534o5435jo5j45j5o34pij35op35js3po5353s45 35335hi3s53njts435.35o543454543543554354353453454353455345543585345454354355353535354354354353535353s45k35435.3543534543543543553543543535345458syedmerjhmed6546456456545645656lk4564564564564564564564564564564564564565464564569
syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply 5464646k4po6k4dp5o64k646o54k645ok645dp646456456456o4d5k6456 4p56456745d6456p45k64 ld57k4d5l6k74po56kp45o6k46 46546464656456456km456 45d645d645656k4dp 6d4k6 4p64645645o6k4d674 5d6k45645p64d57plk4d5p 64646464d6k4d 4pd56464564564d6p4d5645op6p456456pl4d7k4pd5l6k45pd6kp46k456 p464d5m645d 646d464564564d64ok4576m45j 64p6564645645645645l6k4plk46plk46p46k46p4645 6546546d6k4pok45d 646456465465465465465465464564565464564po4k45opk675 4p64ok64646km4d6d47pk4d6pl4dk5p 645d6464646546p554654 654654654654645644k4op6k4o545 6456564565464645od6k456456mk74 564564564565464564k64pk6p4 645645645645646456kd4 o6d465d464645646k464d6kmd45646p4565465464564k46p4dk5 4645645645645654646446k45o6k4d56 p4k6 46p464645645645645645645654654654654654654k4p k46 44645646546 5464564ok4okp546p 5k45645464565465465464564564564564564565464564564565466456456548689945353453543543v66456457d4564646474d5bd4654646dm74757565658555955f5575n5f57456564690syedmerjhmej464645b45s6454745754745d6745b4656546v4654646456db654654764765676575790bill353453b53436s33463s75585 f87567567575f59476575757f5765f7765757574535435435455345437d6464564644d56bd45646456464d6474574d564565464564646464674d56464568hblpk6564564569464564656456d4564564745d56b45654654645644754d66464d6464sd46546456546456545654757 bv55345435353s535s353453453535353535345890757d5676546464646546565654645645645665469646464646464n4d646456456456n46d4n6474d5n654654646546464564564564565464565465468974353535354v345435353b5253453b53s644646464647d45n765756758575857688678696986987979f6n575756657575f7m554354354354353453s5345435345345345345355353453534535435435443syedmerjhmed543534534543534s5s345345o435353535435435435435435435345345345345435589554s4354s3k3s4j53os45j3o553535435435si34j5nk434s543544353535435435j35o435435435 435454357423j4o24j2o4ij325po43534543543s5s35s36s3 4nsk5s353553535345435435k5535353535553475ij3535i35o34sn5ol3k5m5os35o3p5435. 35 43543535354354353so54i3j5o353535354354354354358syedmerjhmed45654 64654654645645d6po4k54p 4654654654654654654654654654645645646k4l6p456k456k546lk546p4564 564 65465465465656546546 554654654654654654p6ok56o k546566546654ksp4k6po4k3 s5p4366546465 6456d456 54354435435435435do6p4o6k4 5po6k46p 456ok45 p6o4k64 d6p4d64645646 4564564564564564564654646456568904bill54534l5ks3454sk3l5m3543.o55435435435354354353453453453453454353453453453454543789435o3sk5pos34k3spo5ks3453spo5ks3653s4 54354435345345353535353535353535353453453457syedmerjhmed5s35s35s345s34k5sp5543544354354353454543534543534534535345345345345575343o5k35pk35po34k6ps3453554 5 4354354ok353 ok5 43sp 5345435 4354354545543543543545578ko5k345opk3543p5 3s5354s3o54k3s5 43s5sn3k5435p43535435435435345345345345345435kp5565
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