Usman Buzdar’s resignation accepted

Sarwar convenes PA session today to elect new CM; PML-N names Hamza for slot

​ Our Correspondents April 01, 2022



Governor Punjab Chaudhry Sarwar on Friday accepted PTI leader Usman Buzdar's resignation as the chief minister of Punjab, following which the provincial cabinet has been dissolved, while he has also summoned a provincial assembly session on Saturday (today) to elect somebody to replace him.

“The Governor of the Punjab, in exercise of power conferred upon him under Sub-Article 8 of Article 130 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, has been pleased to accept the resignation tendered by Sardar Buzdar Ahmed Khan from the office of the Chief Minister, Punjab, with immediate effect. Furthermore, under the provision of Article 133 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, Sardar Buzdar Ahmed Khan shall continue to hold office until his successor enters upon the office,” read a notification issued by the Governor’s House.

Another order read: "In exercise of the powers conferred under Article 109 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, I, Mohammad Sarwar, the governor of Punjab, hereby summon the 40th session of the provincial assembly of Punjab to meet on Saturday, April 2, 2022 at 11am.”

It added that the session was summoned for the election of the new chief under Article 130.

Prime Minister Imran Khan took Buzdar’s resignation on March 28 – four days before offering the chair to PML-Q leader Chaudhry Parvez Elahi.

Buzdar had tendered his resignation to PM Imran after the joint opposition on the same day had submitted a no-trust motion against him with Punjab Assembly Secretary Muhammad Khan Bhatti, citing his “poor performance”.

A total of 127 lawmakers, including PPP and PML-N MPAs, signed the no-trust motion. The lawmakers maintained that the chief minister had lost the majority’s support as matters pertaining to the province were not being dealt with constitutionally and democratically.

Read Will stand with PM Imran to fulfil dream of Naya Pakistan: Buzdar

Earlier this week, the premier had offered the Punjab chief minister’s slot to PML-Q’s Elahi, the incumbent provincial assembly speaker.

The decision was made after Elahi called on the PM at his residence in Bani Gala to discuss the ongoing political situation, especially, the no-confidence motion against him.

“I have taken the resignation from Usman Bazdar and I congratulate Chaudhry Parvez Elahi for being nominated from my party’s side as the chief minister of Punjab,” the official statement from the PML-Q quoted the premier as saying during the meeting.

However, the battle for the Punjab’s top slot would not be a piece of cake for Elahi as the ruling PTI's Aleem Khan group — having the backing of several lawmakers — has refused to support him for the slot.

Following the acceptance of the resignation, Buzdar held a meeting with Elahi, where the two leaders discussed the future course of action for the election of the latter to the chief minister's office.

Separately, the PML-N has nominated Hamza Shehbaz, the opposition leader in the Punjab Assembly, as the opposition’s candidate for the chief minister slot. The decision was announced after a party’s Punjab parliamentary meeting on Friday.

However, this announcement does not make much of a difference when it comes to the numbers game.

Elahi is fast reeling in PTI’s defected MPAs. On Friday, a PTI faction, Cheena group, comprising around 14 MPAs, formally announced their support for the PML-Q leader.

Additionally there were reports of the PML-Q trying to court PML-N leaders into voting for Elahi.

Elahi won the Punjab Assembly speaker election in 2018 by 201 votes, a few more than ruling sides tally. For the chief minister’s position, a candidate required 186 votes. At the moment, the Tareen group seems to be holding the key to the CM office.

The PML-N too has a splinter group led by Sharqpuri of four MPAs while one PPP MPA had also gone astray in the past.

This means the total tally of the opposition would be 166 in addition to one independent. In every case, the PML-N needs to coax 12 PTI MPAs into voting for their candidate.




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