Actor Sanam Saeed recently took to Twitter to share that she was disappointed over the lack of promotional material of her latest film Ishrat Made in China at Nueplex Cinema’s Rashid Minhas Road outlet in Karachi. Tagging Jamil Baig’s prodcution house, with Baig being the owner of the cinema, Saeed wrote that she believed local films needed more of a boost as compared to Hollywood superhero blockbusters.
The actor wrote, “A little disappointed in Nueplex cinemas for not putting up any of our film posters, especially on Rashid Minhas Road. People will always come to see superhero films. They have a long legacy behind them. Pakistani films need cinemas' support. JB Films, please see to it.”
A little disappointed in #nuplexcinemas for not putting up any of our film posters, especially on Rashid Minhas Road. People will always come to see superhero films. They have a long legacy behind them. Pakistani films need cinemas support. @JBFilmsPK please see to it .
— Sanam Saeed (@sanammodysaeed) March 7, 2022
Other films that are currently playing at the cinema include Robert Pattison’s latest film The Batman. Jamil Baig was not available to The Express Tribune for comment, while Director Marketing and Programming at the cinema Kamran Yar Khan did not respond.
Ishrat Made in China was released across Pakistan on March 4. Featuring Saeed and Mohib Mirza in the leading roles, the film also stars Hassan Sheheryar Yasin (HSY) in his debut performance as the film’s main villain. It has been directed by Mirza himself, with Ahsan Raza Firdausi serving as the writer and R. Irfan Sadiq and Farheen Mirza Sadiq serving as executive producers.
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