Desire for talks not sign of weakness: PM

Country marks 3rd anniversary of armed forces’ response to Indian airstrikes inside its territorial airspace

Our Correspondent February 27, 2022
PM Imran at a conference in Russia during his visit in February 2022. Photo: Facebook/ImranKhanOfficial


Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday said he had always believed in conflict resolution through "dialogue and diplomacy" but should never be taken as a sign of weakness as the country marked the third anniversary of its armed forces’ exemplary response to India’s ill-conceived military airstrikes inside its territorial airspace.

“As we showed India on Feb 27 2019, when it chose to attack us, our armed forces backed by the nation will respond to military aggression and prevail at all levels, the premier tweeted. “We are resolute and unwavering in our commitment to the security of our country and our nation,” he added.


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According to a statement issued by the foreign affairs ministry, India, in utter violation of the United Nations charter and international law, violated Pakistani airspace on February 26, 2019, and conducted airstrikes inside the country’s territory. "The botched attempt at infringing Pakistan’s sovereignty was swiftly riposted by Pakistan’s armed forces," the statement read, adding that not only did the country resolutely safeguard its sovereignty, it also displayed utmost restraint.

During the aerial skirmish with India that day on February 27, 2019, Pakistan piled a long list of mishaps for its opponent. On that list were two Indian jets, a MiG-21 Bison and a SU-30, who were shot down after they attempted to intrude into Pakistan’s airspace.

Two Indian fighter jets a MiG-21 Bison and a SU-30 were shot down by the Pakistan Air Force during the operation. The pilot of the Mig-21, Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, was captured by Pakistani authorities as the fighter jet crashed inside Pakistan’s territory. The captured pilot was released a day later as a goodwill gesture to India.

Adding insult to the injury, India’s air defence system shot down its own helicopter in the “fog of war”.
The rare aerial engagement that significantly raised the stakes in the perilous standoff came a day after New Delhi claimed its aircraft had launched an airstrike on what it called the “biggest training camp of Jaish-e-Muhammad” militant group inside Pakistan – a claim debunked by Islamabad.
“Pakistan is a proponent for regional peace and stability. At the same time, our desire for peace is accompanied by strong resolve and capability for self-defence,” the ministry maintained in the statement.

It further read that February 27 also served as a lesson for India that “none of its militarism and war-mongering jingoism would go without a befitting response”. The ministry emphasised that India must remain mindful of the consequences of its reckless conduct in February 2019 and “refrain from any such misadventure in the future.

“The government, armed forces and the people of Pakistan continue to stand firm in their resolve to safeguard the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity against any aggression," it reiterated.
The ministry further underscored Pakistan’s commitment to the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

The statement called upon the international community, including the UN, to hold “India accountable for its gross and systematic human rights violations and crimes against humanity in IIOJK [Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir]” without further delay. The director general of the military’s media wing on the occasion highlighted the Pakistan armed force’s achievements in the operation, which included shooting down two Indian fighter jets, the navy detecting an Indian submarine at sea and a “resounding response” at the line of control.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) DG tweeted: "Today marks the third anniversary of 'Op[eration] Swift Retort' when Pakistan armed forces gave a befitting response to Indian failed misadventure."

He maintained that the Pakistan army’s response was a “testament to [the] professionalism and determination” of the armed forces for defending the “motherland”.
“Not just weapons or numbers but the resolve of a nation and operational preparedness of [the] armed forces define success in face of adversity,” he added.


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