Aisam, Bopanna on a 'turbulent' flight

Bopanna was filming the scene on his phone, Aisam was reading safety card for emergency evacuation to the passengers.

Express August 18, 2011
Aisam, Bopanna on a 'turbulent' flight

Pakistani tennis star Aisamul Haq Qureshi along with his Indian counterpart Rohan Bopanna were on a flight from Montreal to Philadelphia to participate in the ATP World Tour when the flight underwent an emergency reported the official website for ATP World Tour.

According to the report, Aisam was seated in the emergency exit row when much to his surprise, an in-flight attendant told him that he might be needed to operate the emergency door.

Bopanna’s trainer Shayamal Vallabhjee, who was sitting with him sitting in the front row said:
I could hear the flight attendant talking with the pilot on the phone and she kept telling him that he needs to tell the passengers and she was not looking to happy about the situation”

The pilot announced that the wing flaps were having some problems and that the plane will be taking rounds over the airport before they land.

The announcement stirred tension among the passengers.

While the other passengers were either crying or praying, Bopanna was filming the whole scene on his phone, whereas, Aisam was reading the safety card for emergency evacuation to the passengers.

He said:
“What can you do except take it like a man? What else would you expect from Rohan ‘Thunder’ Bopanna?”

The pilot in his final announcement alerted the passengers that the plane will be landing on the runway at a high speed. The plane landed safely.


MAD | 13 years ago | Reply

As usual all the westerners started crying like babies while the men from the East took it like real men.

Grammar Police | 13 years ago | Reply

"not looking to happy"

Looking too happy, not to happy.

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