Saving mangroves

It is time to take experts, laymen and the authorities on board in the battle to protect mangroves

January 23, 2022


Except for the fishing community, others in the country do not seem to have yet realised the importance of mangroves, as the rapid disappearance of these ecologically-sensitive species show. If left to grow on their own, they can turn into big green trees. This is borne out by the fact that their wood was, and is still, used for making boats and ships. The benefits of mangroves are innumerable. Unfortunately, these gifts of nature are vanishing at a fast rate because of the activities of land and timber mafias. They appear to have a free hand to cut mangrove trees along the long coastline of Karachi.

Despite the efforts of environmentalists, things keep on deteriorating along the city’s coastline, and the worst-hit areas are villages and settlements where fisherfolk have been residing since the distant past, getting their livelihood by fishing. Since mangroves are breeding grounds for fish, crabs and other marine species, the dwindling numbers of these trees are severely affecting the fishermen community. Machhar Colony is said to have come up after a large-scale destruction of mangrove trees. Even authorities admit that for setting up and expanding this colony the mafias have been mercilessly felling trees for about three decades. Two environment activists, from the local fishermen community, had allegedly been killed for resisting the cutting of mangrove trees, during the first decade of this century.

The most effective way to save mangroves is to raise awareness about their significance for humans and other living beings. They absorb numerous pollutants from carbon dioxide to methane and help destroy heavy metals in the ecosystem. They release oxygen, help prevent soil erosion, and mitigate the impact of cyclones and tsunamis. Experience has established that countries where there are thick mangrove forests are better shielded from the ravages of these destructive phenomena. Protecting mangroves is an important element in the fight against climate change. Before further damage is done to mangroves, it is time to take experts, laymen and the authorities on board in the battle to protect mangroves.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 23rd, 2022.

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