Ruckus in Sindh Assembly

Opposition lawmakers protest denial of time to speak in the house

Hafeez Tunio November 25, 2021
Sindh Assembly Session. PHOTO: NNI


Sindh Assembly on Wednesday resounded with the protest slogans opposition members over being denied time to speak.

The opposition members stormed the deputy speaker's podium where they tore the copies of agenda and created pandemonium.

It was sixth sitting of current session where assembly failed to finish its agenda owing to uproar on petty matters and political point scoring.

As the session started at 11.30am, one and half hour behind its schedule, the opposition members belonging to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) stood up and protested in every session over the delay.

"Unnecessary delay to start the session has become routine of this house," Leader of the Opposition Haleem Adil Shaikh said adding, "The schedule time is 10am. This is no way to wait for hours for ministers and other "Sahab log" to start the session," he said.

After brief protest, as the deputy speaker started the proceeding with fateha time, most of the members belonging to oppsition and treasury turned it into political show. "May Allah give deputy speaker the courage to finish agenda of the proceeding today," MQM lawmaker Mohammad Hussain said in his fateha request.

PPP's Heer Soho in response to Hussain's remarks requested deputy speaker for fateha and said, "May God destroy those who always hatch conspiracies against Sindh government."

This continued for 30 minutes as lawmakers from both the sides killed their time in point scoring.

The house echoed with the shouts and slogans again when deputy speaker gave floor to Food Minister Mukesh Kumar Chawla to give a policy statement.

Chawla started his statement in reaction to a federal minister's claim that 1.6 million tonnes of wheat has gone missing from Sindh government warehouses. "The PTI ministers are thieves themselves that's they are shifting blame to us. How 1.6 tonnes of wheat could be stolen when our total procurement was 1.2 million tonnes," Chawla said criticising the PTI governemt.

Shaikh and other PTI members continued their protest and wanted to say something on the issue, but deputy speaker asked her staff to switch off their microphones.

Leader of the Oppostion who had brought megaphone in the house started his remarks against Sindh government. The megaphone in the house irked PPP ministers who demanded action against Shaikh.

"Megaphone is not allowed in the house. Today, they have brought megaphone and tomorrow we will see weapons in their hands in this august house," Transport Minister Syed Awais Shah said.

The PTI members went in front of deputy speaker's podium and tore the agenda copies.

"We also wanted to speak on important issues. But you did not allow us. Since the day this session started, the opposition members are denied their right to speak. How can you give floor to minister ignoring other agenda" Shaikh said addressing to Deputy Speaker Rehana Leghari.

Shaikh referred to the issue of Nazim Jokhio and said, "we also wanted to move a resolution on this issue, but all in vain."

As Chawla finished his speech, the deputy speaker started question and answer session and later adjourned the proceeding till Thursday without taking up other agenda including private bills and resolutions etc.

Earlier, MMA MPA Abdul Rashid drew the house attention towards law and order situation in Lyari where according to him the gangs and drug mafia has again resumed their activities. "We request government and concerned authorities to take this notice with strict action," he said.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 25th, 2021.


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