E-office training starts for HEC employees

Staff will learn about electronic office, operations

Our Correspondent December 22, 2020


With the novel coronavirus prompting the government to reduce the number of people coming into offices, with the rest working from home, the apex regulator of higher education in the country has started capacity-building training for its staff on E-Office.

The training has been organised by the National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE) under its capacity-building programme. A statement released on Monday stated that the training for Higher Education Commission (HEC) staff will be held in collaboration with the National Information Technology Board (NITB).

“The training is set to commence from today (Tuesday) with a comprehensive session on E-office procedure,” the statement mentioned, adding that E-office is an electronic system of office and operational management which will help make functions more efficient and improve accountability at the HEC.

They further said that the programme is being implemented across various ministries of the government and has been approved by the federal cabinet as well as the National E-government Council. The capacity-building programme will feature weekly workshops for HEC employees over the next four weeks, and is expected to train more than 600 officials.


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