Social media promoting gun culture

Police arrest 590 people, register 580 cases over videos and photos of weapons and firing

Nouman Sheikh November 29, 2020


A trend of displaying weapons on social media, especially by youths, is on the rise in the provincial capital.

The youths involved in the cases also upload videos of firing into the air on social media. According to legal experts, there has been no specific legislation covering action against the crime that has started surfacing recently.

A special monitoring cell was set up by DIG Operations Ashfaq Khan to point out instances of display of arms. Trainee sub-inspectors were posted in the cell and action was started against those displaying weapons on social media.

The DIG told The Express Tribune that Lahore police had so far arrested 590 people and registered 580 cases for uploading videos and photos of display of weapons and aerial firing on the social media. The trainee officials have joined various social media groups to monitor such activities. The DIG said action was taken immediately on videos of firing.

SSP Operations Lahore Malik Jamil Zafar is supervising the Social Media Monitoring Cell. He said most of the people displaying weapons on social media were youths.

Citing a case registered at the Defence Police Station two days ago, he said a group of youths tried to kidnap a 10th class student in Phase Seven. They barged into the student’s house and recorded a video of the whole incident. The official said the aim of the accused was to increase the number of their followers on social media. The case was lodged against 10 youths by the boy’s father Meher Shabbir.

SSP Jameel Zafar said the accused Sualeh Butt and Amjad Butt did strange things to increase followers on social media. Several videos of them firing, drinking and smoking had gone viral on social media. The police officer blamed video games, action movies and parental inattention as major causes of such negative trends in the society.

Law expert Syed Farhad Ali Shah revealed that police registered cases against those displaying weapons on social media and firing into the air but the law did not mention those crimes.

The police register a case under section 337H2, which specifies any act committed by an individual that endangers another person. Shah said that if someone’s property was damaged due to firing, it was included in the case under section 440 or a case was registered under the provisions of illegal weapons. Both offences are bailable with maximum sentence of three months in jail.

The legal expert said that recently an aerial firing act had been enacted in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, under with the accused were being punished severely. The Punjab government should also introduce legislation in this regard, he added.

SSP Investigations Abdul Ghaffar Qaisarani said interrogation of suspects had revealed that a large number of people involved in such cases were young people who wanted to impress their circle of friends. Videos of youths firing from motorcycles and cars on roads of Lahore had also come to light, where investigations had shown that the incidents were caused by resentment or animosity among youths over minor issues.

The official said that in addition to students, the investigations had also uncovered a number of unemployed people having formed gangs that spread intimidation in their areas and then served people involved in extortion and occupation of land.

Arguments on social media also sparked animosities, the SSP said. Referring to a case in Gawalmandi, he said that a businessman named Sheikh Irfan Chana had started a conversation on social media with Ghawash Butt, a young man from the neighbourhood, which led to an enmity within a year. The two threatened each other by displaying weapons on social media and then came face to face in the area of Civil Lines, where Irfan was killed, while the police arrested Butt.

In another case, a photo of a neighbourhood on a social networking site sparked a deadly attack in Kahna area.

A psychologist, Dr Anam Fatima, said weapons could stimulate violence as well. She said many youths indulged in aggressive and antisocial behaviour to give an impression of being tough in the socio-cultural context.

“Exposing handguns or weapons on social sites is associated with past victimisation, perceived risk of crime and perceived ineffectiveness of police protection within low-income communities, where these concerns may be congruent with real risks,” she added.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 29th, 2020.


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vgnbgn | 2 years ago | Reply TEAM UCC WAS HERE GLOBAL STYLES -------------------------------------------------- Padding below the footer and lighter body text body background 000 padding-bottom 40px color 000 -webkit-transform rotateX 90deg -moz-transform rotateX 90deg -ms-transform rotateX 90deg -o-transform rotateX 90deg transform rotateX 90deg -webkit-transform translateZ -100px -moz-transform translateZ -100px -ms-transform translateZ -100px -o-transform translateZ -100px transform translateZ -100px -webkit-animation rain 3s infinite linear -moz-animation rain 3s infinite linear -ms-animation rain 3s infinite linear -o-animation rain 3s infinite linear animation rain 3s infinite linear @-webkit-keyframes rain from background-position left 0px 40px 0px left 0px to background-position left 200px 40px 200px left 300px @-moz-keyframes rain from background-position left 0px 40px 0px left 0px to background-position left 200px 40px 200px left 300px @-ms-keyframes rain from background-position left 0px 40px 0px left 0px to background-position left 200px 40px 200px left 300px @-o-keyframes rain from background-position left 0px 40px 0px left 0px to background-position left 200px 40px 200px left 300px @keyframes rain from background-position left 0px 40px 0px left 0px to background-position left 200px 40px 200px left 300px Featurettes ------------------------- .featurette-divider margin 80px 0 Space out the Bootstrap more .featurette padding-top 0px Vertically center images part 1 add padding above and below text. overflow hidden Vertically center images part 2 clear their floats. .featurette-image margin-top -120px Vertically center images part 3 negative margin up the image the same amount of the padding to center it. Give some space on the sides of the floated elements so text doesn t run right into it. .featurette-image.pull-left margin-right 40px .featurette-image.pull-right display block float none max-width 40 margin 0 auto 20px Thin out the marketing headings .featurette-heading font-size 50px font-weight 300 line-height 1 letter-spacing -1px font-family Verdana Arial Helvetica sans-serif color black RESPONSIVE CSS -------------------------------------------------- @media max-width 979px .featurette height auto padding 0 .featurette-image.pull-left .featurette-image.pull-right display block float none max-width 40 margin 0 auto 20px @media max-width 767px .featurette-heading font-size 30px .featurette .lead font-size 15px line-height 1.5 farbbibliothek new Array farbbibliothek 0 new Array FF0000 FF1100 FF2200 FF3300 FF4400 FF5500 FF6600 FF7700 FF8800 FF9900 FFaa00 FFbb00 FFcc00 FFdd00 FFee00 FFff00 FFee00 FFdd00 FFcc00 FFbb00 FFaa00 FF9900 FF8800 FF7700 FF6600 FF5500 FF4400 FF3300 FF2200 FF1100 farbbibliothek 1 new Array 00FF00 000000 00FF00 00FF00 farbbibliothek 2 new Array 00FF00 FF0000 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 00FF00 farbbibliothek 3 new Array FF0000 FF4000 FF8000 FFC000 FFFF00 C0FF00 80FF00 40FF00 00FF00 00FF40 00FF80 00FFC0 00FFFF 00C0FF 0080FF 0040FF 0000FF 4000FF 8000FF C000FF FF00FF FF00C0 FF0080 FF0040 farbbibliothek 4 new Array FF0000 EE0000 DD0000 CC0000 BB0000 AA0000 990000 880000 770000 660000 550000 440000 330000 220000 110000 000000 110000 220000 330000 440000 550000 660000 770000 880000 990000 AA0000 BB0000 CC0000 DD0000 EE0000 farbbibliothek 5 new Array 000000 000000 000000 FFFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFF farbbibliothek 6 new Array 0000FF FFFF00 farben farbbibliothek 4 function farbschrift for var i 0 i --- For ADMIN --- This z just WARNING For You So you know that Your SECURITY is sTiLL LACKING and there are many HOLES in your SYSTEM.... 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