PM Imran suggests resumption of Pak-Aussie cricket to counterpart

Australian PM invites the premier to visit his country, notes Pakistan's positive role in Afghan peace process

Rizwan Shehzad   October 12, 2020

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday out his weight behind resumption of bilateral cricket between Pakistan and Australia but linked it with improved Covid-19 situation during a telephonic conversation with his Aussie counterpart Scott Morrison.

The two leaders discussed cricket, Covid-19, Pakistan’s role in Afghan peace process, global debt relief initiative and how both the countries can further enhance mutually beneficial cooperation during the conversation.

“With improved on-ground situation, cricket between the two sides could also be resumed as Covid-19 pandemic situation improves,” PM Imran suggested while discussing bilateral matters and international issues of mutual interest. With the suggestion, PM Imran extended an invitation to the Australian prime minister to visit Pakistan at an early date.

PM Imran appreciated Australia’s impressive management of Covid-19 situation and highlighted the unprecedented global health and economic challenges posed by the pandemic.

He explained that his government’s emphasis had been on saving lives, securing livelihoods, and stimulating the economy.

“The ‘smart lockdown’ strategy and other measures taken by the government had led to significant containment of the pandemic in Pakistan,” he was quoted as saying.

While particularly highlighting the adverse economic impact of Covid-19 on the developing countries, PM Imran also apprised his counterpart that he had called for the “Global Initiative on Debt Relief”, that is supported by Australia.

Expressing satisfaction at the level of bilateral relations between the two countries, PM Imran stressed that there existed huge potential for further enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation in diverse fields. Here, he suggested resumption of cricket between the two sides when the Covid-19 situation improves.

In the regional context, PM Imran highlighted Pakistan’s positive contribution to the Afghan peace process and stressed that peace in Afghanistan was of paramount importance for the region and Pakistan. He also highlighted the potential for enhanced trade and increased regional connectivity among the dividends of peace in Afghanistan.

The official statement stated that PM Morrison shared his country’s efforts to manage Covid-19 pandemic. He also noted “Pakistan’s positive role in the Afghan peace process” and invited PM Imran to visit Australia.


Sajjad Jaffery | 3 years ago | Reply

Encouraging development indeed. An honest leader has raised Pakistan's diplomatic profile in the world. No Pakistani leader at least in recent memory was ever talked to let alone invited to Australia. It is ironic that our successive governments never bothered to cultivate multilateral relationship with Australia and tap into its vast experience in agriculture and animal husbandry to name just two avenues of potential cooperation. Most people probably are unaware that Australia was the first country to provide technical training to Pakistan Air Force personnel right after the country's independence. We can learn a lot from Australia besides resuming cricket with one of the greatest cricketing nations in the world.

Ali mirza | 3 years ago | Reply

Imran Khan is a gift to Pakistan from ALMIGHTY. What a pleasent change from the status que corrupt, below average leaders in the past. IK is working very hard to make Pakistan great but facing corrupt mafia. The mafia knows that if IK survives full term then their politics will be finished forever. That is why they are fighting for their lives and to save ill-gotten wealth that they accumulated over last 4 decades.

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