Adhoc VC’s, dean’s posting disappoints faculty

SAU teachers say senior, more qualified professors superseded in favour of junior candidates

Z Ali September 23, 2020


The appointment of junior professors as the acting vice-chancellor (VC) and dean of Sindh Agriculture University (SAU), Tandojam seems to be leaving a dispiriting effect on the varsity's senior faculty.

The provincial government, through Sindh Boards and Universities secretary Muhammad Riazuddin, notified the appointment of Dr Zaheeruddin Mirani as the university's acting VC, bypassing six professors ranking above him in terms of seniority. Likewise, another senior professor, ranked fourth on the seniority list and possessing a doctor of philosophy degree from a foreign university, as well as two foreign post doctorates, was disregarded for the post of dean of faculty of agriculture engineering in the same university. Instead, a professor ranked 18th in terms of seniority and holding a PhD from a local university was appointed as the dean two months ago.

"The tenure of [outgoing VC Dr Mujeebuddin] Sahrai has already despaired many teachers dedicated to their work. And now, these administrative changes aren't instilling any fresh hope," commented a professor, who is even senior that Dr Mirani, requesting anonymity. "I find it strange watching [Pakistan Peoples Party's chairperson] Bilawal [Bhutto Zardari] warning the federal government against ignoring the agriculture sector, which he says is the backbone of the economy, when his government's policies have been sapping the agriculture varsity's potential," the professor added.

Another senior professor, who also requested not to be named, did not dispute the credentials of Dr Mirani, but expressed dismay over his appointment as the VC.

"He is among the few star teachers in our institution but there are at least two other senior professors who are equally, if not more, meritorious than him," he said.

The post of SAU's VC has not been advertised yet. It became vacant when Sahrai joined Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi, as the VC over a month ago. Since then, SAU has been governed without a VC.

Dean's appointment

Moreover, Dr Altaf Siyal from the faculty of agricultural engineering had expressed grievances of the varsity's senior faculty over the appointment of Dr Naimatullah Laghari as the dean in a letter written to the CM. He stated, "Merit hasn't been followed in the appointment."

Dr Siyal is the fourth most senior professor at SAU while Dr Laghari ranks 18th. The former has as a professor for ten years and the latter for around three years.

Dr Siyal's letter juxtaposed his qualifications, research work, publications and administrative experience with that of Dr Laghari. The former completed his PhD from the UK and two post doctorates from the USA and Australia. The latter has PhD from SAU. Dr Siyal has held administrative posts for six years and eight months and Dr Laghari for five years. Besides, Dr Siyal worked at the Mehran University of Engineering and Technology on a United States Agency for International Development -funded project, dubbed center for excellence on water, for four years.

The aggrieved professor also claims that he has written far more research articles than his junior and headed six research projects besides contributing to two books and receiving six fellowship awards. Some 28 Master of Science students have graduated under Dr Siyal, who requested the CM in his letter to cancel Dr Laghari's appointment as the dean.

'Discretionary powers'

The Sindh Universities Laws (Amendment) Act, 2018 and the amendments which preceded it in 2013 and 2014 have given Sindh chief minister discretionary powers, which, some academicians argue, are being exercised arbitrarily for making such appointments.

According to Prof Akhtiar Ghumro of the Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association (FAPUASA), though, on the moral grounds, the senior faculty deserved the acting charge of the VC, the law allows the CM to select anyone for the post from among senior professors.

He, however, added, "But the FAPUASA's position has been that only an incumbent dean of a faculty should be considered for the post."

Dr Mirani, though, has held the charge of the dean but he is currently not serving as one.

Dr Ghumro also tacitly acknowledged that merit did not seem to be the only consideration when appointing administrative officials in varsities.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 23rd, 2020.


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