CM Balochistan promises to promote boxing in the province

Meets boxer Muhammad Waseem, announces Rs500,000 cash prize

Mohammad Zafar September 24, 2019
Chief Minister Jam Kamal presents a shield to boxer Muhammad Waseem. PHOTO: APP

QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal on Monday called on international flyweight boxer Muhammad Waseem and affirmed support to boxing in the province.

The chief minister congratulated Waseem over his recent victory against the Philippine boxer in the International Flyweight Ranking and rendered his best wishes for future games.

“We are fortunate that Waseem hails from Balochistan and is making the province proud on international platforms,” said CM Jam Kamal while pledging his full support to the boxer.

“The provincial government is committed to promote sports in the province. Boxing clubs will be given full assistance and facilities to introduce more boxers from Balochistan.”

Waseem discussed his upcoming endeavours with the chief minister and pledged to continue efforts to retain position in the game, affirming to be a source of pride for the people of Balochistan.

Chief Minister Jam Kamal lauded Waseem’s passion towards boxing and reiterated that the provincial government has allocated immense funds for progress in sports. A sports complex is also being constructed in all the districts for the youth, he added.

Calling Waseem a role model for the younger generation, CM urged the youth to pursue boxer’s steps to make the province proud in every field.

The Balochistan Government has awarded Waseem with a cash prize of Rs500,000 and a shield in honour of his global fights.

Christian community

The Christian community of Balochistan led by MPA Titus Johnson discussed their woes with Chief Minister Balochistan on Monday in Quetta. The delegation conveyed their grievances and issues and urged the chief minister to address them on priority basis.

Talking to the delegation, CM Jam Kamal assured that Balochistan Government is taking all measures to impart equal rights to all the minorities in the province.

“Provincial government will ensure the implementation of job quota allocated for minorities while their places of worship will be secured,” Jam Kamal said while pledging to take quick action over the discussed issues.

Earlier, Christian community leaders vowed to not tolerate any intervention in affairs.  The community, civil society members and religious leaders staged a protest against Christian Marriage and Divorce Bill 2019.

The protesters led by Chairman National Peace Committee for Religious Harmony Shahzad Kundan, chanted slogans against the legislation outside the Quetta Press Club.

“Federal Government introduced the act 2019 for Christian marriages and divorce. It is a clear violation of the religious belief and must be reviewed,” Shahzad Kundan said, adding that such agendas implemented on foreign funding won’t be allowed to succeed.

The protesters urged Prime Minister Imran Khan to take immediate notice of the issue to avoid hurting sentiments of the Christian community living in Pakistan.

Capacity building

The provincial chief executive, who also the director of the Institute for Development Studies and Practices (IDSP), underscored the importance of trainings, workshops and research in building the capacity of professionals.

IDSP Director Quratulain Bakhtiyari informed Kamal that her organisation has been helping students in academia, research, human resource, training and skill development through a variety of interventions with a significant boost on their career prospects.

“We have been working since 1998 with more than 7000 students having complete courses from our institutes,” she said.

Lauding the services being provided by the organisation, Kamal said that quality human resource was needed more than ever now with the foreign investments heading in Balochistan’s directions.

“Students facing financial constraints should join the IDSP because it offers a vital platform for skillful students,” he said, adding that it would also help counter the problems of unemployment.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 24th, 2019.


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