Balochistan minister outlines plans to improve public transport

Jamali says green bus services will be launched in Quetta

Mohammad Zafar April 11, 2019
CM Balochistan Jam Kamal Khan. PHOTO: EXPRESS

QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal has approved the pilot project of green bus service in Quetta, which will initially ply on two routes, in partnership with the local transporters.

Transport Minister Mir Umar Khan Jamali told a press conference that the district administration would provide assistance in the construction of terminals for the bus service on Joint Road and Airport Road.

“Chief Minister Jam Kamal has taken the decision during a meeting to review the performance of provincial transport department. The bus service will increase revenue of transport department,” Jamali said. “The local transporters will be given partnership in the project.”

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The minister warned of strict action against unfit vehicles, particularly passenger coaches. He said new checkpoints of transport department will be set up in Khuzdar, Hub, Rahni, Zhob, Jaffarbad and Jhal Magsi to check permits of trucks and buses.

“Control rooms in Quetta and all the district headquarters will also be established to keep strict check on traffic rules violations and speeding,” Jamali added. “We have decided to digitalise route permit system.”

Replying to a query regarding government’s action against transport companies involved in illegal activities, especially diesel smuggling, the minister said that licence of two transport companies had been cancelled because “we can’t let anyone put public lives at risk”.

He said that the chief minister had given permission to fill vacant posts in the transport department. The minister also said that new legislation would be enacted to impose tax on transport companies on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) routes.


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