Speaking at the Sector G-9 Markaz the chamber chief said that PTI was going to form its government in the next few days. Asad Umar had assured the traders of the federal capital to arrange the declaration of new rent control act in Islamabad within the first 100 days of PTI government and called upon him to honour his assurance in resolving the long standing issues of the local business community.
He was leading an ICCI delegation to congratulate the newly elected office bearers of Traders Welfare Association (TWA) of Sector G-9 Markaz.
ICCI hopeful of rent control act promulgation
Senior Vice President Muhammad Naveed, Vice President Nisar Ahmed Mirza, as well as Ahmed Mughal, Khalid Chaudhry, Ashfaq Chattha, Dildar Abbasi, Ch. Zafar Gujjar, Musharraf Janjua, Ch. Irfan, Asher Hafeez, Faizan Shahzad, Ch. Tahir Mehmood, Izzat Bakhsh, Nasir Chaudhry and Naveed Satti were in the delegation. The TWA elected office bearers include Chairman Raaj Abbasi, President Raja Javed and General Secretary Awal Khan.
Traders want rent control law passed before term ends
TWA office bearers said that Capital Development Authority (CDA) and Islamabad Metropolitan Corporation (IMC) were not paying attention to market development for the last four years, therefore, they called upon the CDA to focus on better development of their market in order to facilitate the growth of trading activities. They said that ICCI should further cooperate with TWA, so that issues of traders with CDA can be resolved to promote trade and economic activities.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 16th, 2018.
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