Youm-e-Takbeer, and a revelation

Express May 28, 2010

ISLAMABAD: As the nation marks Youm-e-Takbeer to commemorate the conduction of nuclear tests, PML-N Chief Mian Nawaz Sharif revealed Friday that the then US president had offered him a five billion dollar package for Pakistan to reverse the decision.

Addressing his party workers in Lahore on the occasion, Sharif said Pakistan faced immense pressure from world community before and after the tests.

He added that his government withstood the pressure and he gave a go-ahead to the nuclear tests while sitting in Kazakhstan.

The day is to be celebrated across the country with a solemn pledge to make Pakistan a stronger country, militarily and economically.

Pakistan had conducted nuclear tests at Chaghi, Balochistan in response to five nuclear explosions conducted by India, to become the seventh country in the world to possess nuclear weapons.

To mark the day, various political parties and social organizations have chalked out a number of comprehensive programmes in different parts of the country.

Click the video tab above to view the original test.


Mubasher | 14 years ago | Reply Pakistan is a poor country but we still managed to enable ourselves to defend through having nuclear strength. Its my identity that I am a national of a nuclear Pakistan.
Umayr Masud | 14 years ago | Reply We are a nuclear power, i have a few questions, Since we have the expertise are we teaching nuclear/atomic/etc. education in our Universities ? do we have labs (india has them dehli uni made a mess of some nuclear material) If we are such a capable nuclear power , why haven't we got some serious nuclear research going on in any of the public institutes? I haven't heard of any nuclear research going on in the field of medical. We have nuclear bomb, but have we educated our people about what to do in case an actual nuclear war breaks out ? Do we have ANY capabilities to handle a nuclear strike? (Medical etc.) If a fire breaks out in a building we cant stop the fire with our current capability shouldn't we have better disaster management if we are such a Great nuclear capable nation/Power. ? Do we have any nuclear shelters? Why are we not educating our younger generation in the field, why is it only a group of selected few who are taught how to operate stuff rather than make some humane use of the technology. Isn't it a shame that Abdus Salam is not a hero , while a guy who admits to have stolen data is. And if we do have to acknowledge , shouldn't we acknowledge the whole team of scientists instead. Now that we have nuclear capability and enough warheads, can we please put the recurring budget to good use , such as education, health. People of this nation really need to set their priorities right. Having a nuclear bomb might have saved us from an imminent attack, but in the long run we'd perish if we do not fix our ways.
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