"I was paid Rs 100,000 for suicide attacks"

Express May 17, 2010

SARGODHA: Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan commander Hanif Gabol surrendered himself to the police in Sargodha on Monday. Gabol is the head of the Seraiki Karwan chapter of TTP.

RPO Sargodha said Gabol confessed to planning suicide attacks in the past, and was planning to target important installations in different cities of Punjab.

Gabol was presented before the media where he admitted his role in several suicide attacks. This included an attack on an FC camp in DG Khan,  a religious processions in Rawalpindi,and on a DPO office in Mianwali.

The TTP commander claimed he confessed to his crimes out of a guilty conscience and called on other militants to do the same.

He revealed that his group was paid Rs 100,000 for carrying out each attack, paid in half before and after the attack. Gabol said he received his training from Afghanistan.

Gambol said that he would accept any sentence. The arrested terrorist informed that he is a married man but does not have any children.


hamid | 14 years ago | Reply A boy from charsadda gone missing ,before his missing he argued with his father that it is time for Jihad, not for Tabligh,when asked the father said i has admitted him in a madrasa in where he was brain washed,asking to report to Police he said the Madrassa peoples are influential if caught for interrogation will definitely kill me. that is the scenario.
Faryal Tahir | 14 years ago | Reply Look at the dull face of police man in the back, he is tired after enough chitrol to make this man say what he wants. God, why do our forces lack that look of sharpness and fitness?
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