CPLC refutes rumours of attack in Karachi

In a statement, CPLC said that threats were only disseminated to law enforcement agencies (LEAs) over trusted channels

News Desk February 17, 2017

Citizens-Police Liaison Committee refuted on Friday rumours on social media of an impending attack in Karachi.

In a statement issued on their official website, the CPLC said that "the fake threat alerts are being spread to create panic". It asked people to not become part of the panic by spreading the fake threats.

Bloodbath at Sehwan shrine

Addressing concerns regarding the security situation in the city, the press release warned that threat alerts were not circulated via social media but were "only disseminated to law enforcement agencies (LEAs) over trusted channels".

"Please note that in view of the recent attacks, there is heightened threat and corresponding vigilance by the LEAs. Support your own LEAs by reporting any suspicious activity. But don’t panic and don’t spread panic!" the security committee added.

72 dead as suicide bomber strikes inside Lal Shahbaz Qalandar shrine in Sehwan

The security forces launched a nationwide crackdown on Friday after a bomb ripped through Lal Shahbaz Qalandar’s shrine, killing at least 70 people, including 20 children, and wounding hundreds.

Sindh Rangers claimed to have killed 18 terrorists overnight in different areas of Karachi. Seven terrorists were killed in a shootout with Rangers after they attacked a convoy of the paramilitary troops on Super Highway near Kathore, Sindh.

Rangers further said 11 more terrorists were killed in a raid carried out in Manghopir area of Karachi. “Arms and ammunition was also seized during the operation,” the Rangers spokesperson added.  The Rangers said all suspects were affiliated with a banned organisation.


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