Aries | March 20 – April 18

Sometimes minor misunderstandings are no more than that. There’s little point in analysing them, because there’s nothing to be learnt. But now it’s the reverse. Delve into them in depth. What seem unimportant insights won’t just prove illuminating, they could give you the edge in otherwise seriously tricky situations.
Taurus | April 19 – May 19

For weeks you’ve differed with one particular individual about an increasingly worrying practical matter. Or, actually, it’s made you anxious but hasn’t bothered them. The big question, therefore, is whether you should ask why they’re not concerned and learn something, or explain to them why they should be.
Gemini | May 20 – June 20

As much as you enjoy the give and take of a lively discussion, serious arguments are another matter. However, if you can’t resolve issues in one particularly tricky situation, the odds are good it will deteriorate into a battle. Actually, bizarrely, the resulting forthright exchanges could do wonders to clear the air.
Cancer | June 21 – July 21

Long ago you learnt that the best strategy for dealing with difficult individuals is to leave decisions to them. This seems risky but forces them to assess the actual situation, then devise a solution. They’ll not only appreciate your past efforts, but could soon be seeking your advice about current dilemmas.
Leo | July 22 – August 21

Usually differences with those around you can be resolved by talking things over. Now, however, the actual situations you’re facing are more complicated, so much you’ve no idea where to begin. Pressing as these matters seem, you’re urged to take it slowly. Unexpected revelations could change your perspective on everything, possibly overnight.
Virgo | August 22 – September 21

By no means are you narrow minded. Yet long ago you dismissed certain ideas as being either unappealing, unrealistic or both. While then that was true, times have changed and so have the circumstances in question. The form may be slightly different but you’ll recognise these opportunities instantly.
Libra | September 22 – October 22

There are many ways to say the single word ‘no’, and as a tactful Libra, you know them all. But, there’s one you rarely use which is, in fact, the only real option at the moment, and that is indeed, ‘no’. Nothing else will work with one particularly selfish individual.
Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

People comment on your often near-clairvoyant ability to see past confusion or, in some cases, the deception of others. Yet now even you are baffled. This isn’t because anybody is trying to conceal anything as much as, in this particular matter, solid facts are scarce, and so everybody’s feeling uncertain.
Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20

It’s time to tackle certain tasks that are as dull as they are unimportant. Or so they seem. While it’s true, they’ll never be interesting, ignore these and you’ll soon realise they’re not just significant, some are crucial. Tackle them now, the longer you put them off, the more you’ll regret it.
Capricorn | December 21 – January 18

Yet again you’ve assumed somebody is as conscientious as you are. Being born under the rulership of the precise Saturn, even at your laziest, you’re more thorough than most. Knowing this, don’t assume the individual in question will handle tasks the way you would. Discuss the situation in detail, and soon.
Aquarius | January 19 – February 17

Since mid-December the easily agitated Mars has been accenting finances in general and the wise use of your resources. Informative as the resulting discussions have been, in several situations you’ve realised others weren’t keeping their end of agreements. These are important. Ensure you discuss and deal with any remaining issues now.
Pisces | February 18 – March 19

The last thing you’re in the mood to do is confront others. But if you don’t take a tough line now, certain rather lazy individuals will assume you’re happy with their seriously relaxed approach to getting things done. Discuss what you’re doing and what you expect from them soon, and in detail.
Published in The Express Tribune, January 25th, 2017.
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