TTP's link to Shahzad far from determined

Express May 12, 2010

WASHINGTON: A Senate intelligence committee's top Republican said on Wednesday, that White House statements suggesting a central role by the Pakistani Taliban were based on 'suspicions'.

He said that he has seen no hard evidence that suggests otherwise.

On Sunday, Attorney General Eric H Holder claimed that the Pakistani Taliban was "intimately involved" in the botched bombing.

Meanwhile, the US State Department has joined the Pentagon and the White House in assuring Pakistan it remains a key ally in the war against terror.

US Special Representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton never spoke about disrupting economic or military assistance to Pakistan.

He said Clinton's comments have been misunderstood by people.


Dr. Ghulam Murtaza Khuhro | 14 years ago | Reply Naiveté of USA policy makers has pushed her into a variety of quagmires and deep marshy areas. Her economic woes and social crisis including that in armed forces on the one hand are twisting its arms to make rational decisions, however, its superpower hangover is creating bottlenecks for it. Solution of Afghanistan crisis lies in the cooperation of whole region including Iran, three bordering Central Asian republics, Russia, China, India and above all Pakistan. Pakistan has been tormented and fragmented. 175 million population badly requires political stability, economic security, access to basic facilities ,food education, health facilities, energy to create an environment where they can live peacefully and also help directly and through positive externality to neighbors particular Afghanistan for their stability. If USA manages to pull out of Afghanistan with least damage to its honor, dignity and economics, helping Pakistan generously would prove a very favorable bargain.
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