Kayani vists Hunza's affected regions

Express May 11, 2010

HUNZA: Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani visited Hunza on Tueday,  as water levels of the landslide-triggered lake continue to threaten the valley.

Water levels are rising by around 3-feet daily.

Villages of Ainabad, Shishkut & Gilmat of the Gojal valley stand vulnerable to being swept away.

There is also danger that the lake might spill over on the Karakoram Highway from Hunza to Gilgit, which means the access to the Pak-China border will be completely cut off.

Meanwhile, more than 9, 880 affectees have been shifted in 1298 camps. Those left behind are miserable as all electric poles in Gilmat have been submerged under water leaving the area without electricity.


Suhaib | 14 years ago | Reply For pro-army: "[army]... said at the time that the work would be completed in three weeks. But the FWO took more than three weeks to arrive at the scene." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8674915.stm "Army is the only institution which wants her hand in all pies"
Waqar Raja | 14 years ago | Reply Generel Kayani's visit to Hunza Lake is ample evidence of his/ Army's committment to the people of Pakistan. This is not his first appearance at difficult moments, as since the day he assumed command of Pak Army he very skillfully handled a number of grave situations that endangered the security of our country. He made significant contribution in raising the morale of the Army which is now ready to take on any threat may it be west, east or from within. Through his superior strategic skills he inflicted unbelieveable losses to the terrorists thus kept Americans at bay and above all for the first time brought Army under the State System. However, I may suggest that he must guard against American's wish to start operation in North Wazirastan as he is already overstretched and secondly, he must curb any desire for extension of service and retire at the due date keeping himself in line with the good traditions of Pak Army. He is an able generel with good morality and must fade away.
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