It runs in the family: Natasha Khalid and Sabrina Khalid

Acclaimed make-up artist Natasha Khalid and her creative sister Sabrina Khalid talk to us about their special bond

November 13, 2016
It runs in the family: Natasha Khalid and Sabrina Khalid

The highly acclaimed and talented make-up artist, Natasha Khalid, and her immensely creative younger sister, Sabrina Khalid, hair stylist, talk to us about their special bond. From putting on shows together when they were younger to being inseparable as adults, these gorgeous sisters share it all

What is your first memory of each other?

Natasha: My first memory is seeing her as a new born. My mother sat on a chair and I was touching Sabrina’s head very excitedly.

Sabrina: I have a bunch of memories — Natasha dancing, being extremely animated, both of us playing endlessly in our grandfather’s garden and sleeping together with our mom in the middle.

What is the craziest thing you have done together?

Natasha: We’ve done too many crazy things together. Before we were old enough to do what we do now, we used to gather our house help together, and put on skits and plays. I used to paint them different colours and make my maids Kali Ma and vampires. Sabrina would stitch the clothes, and do the hair, and I would do the make-up. Everyone thought we were crazy, and now those maids are like “wow baji, you’ve done something for yourself!”

Sabrina: We used to spend our summer holidays putting together shows and musicals for our family and friends! We would direct them, choreograph all the dances, of course do all the hair and make-up, and even get fabric and stitch all the costumes ourselves. Story telling has always fascinated us.

What did you get punished for the most as a child?

Natasha: I was actually the good kid, and Sabrina was naughty. I remember one time she was punished really badly for biting me. At three or four I could overpower her, because she was a scrawny kid, so she used to use her teeth. When my parents punished her, I got very upset and told them not to punish my sister. They thought I was mad.

Sabrina: I didn’t get punished much. If anything, my mother was told to be mindful of her overly inquisitive one. Imagine taking curiosity away from a child?

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, from the others closet, what would it be?

Natasha: She has a very different style to mine, but I love her leather jackets. That would be something that I’ll most probably wear, though she’ll never let me.

Sabrina: I admire my sister’s original sense of style and I feel she can carry off a sack with much aplomb! Having said that I always steal her most comfortable t-shirts and night wear which have weathered through the times!

If you could swap places with each other, what’s the first thing you would do?

Natasha: She meditates and does yoga, whereas I don’t do any of those things. So I’d love to swap places and experience peace.

Sabrina: I would be off travelling far and wide, solo. I think she works way too much and doesn’t take enough breaks.

What is the one thing you love about your sister?

Natasha: I love everything about her, from head to toe. My sister is flawless, and not just because she is my sister, she is actually one of the nicest, most talented people I know. She’s one year younger than me, but you would think she’s 10 years younger than me because she’s like my baby. I keep calling her my first born, though she’s much wiser. She’s always the one who tells me what’s right, or what’s wrong.

Sabrina: She has the softest, mushiest, most generous heart.

If you are fighting with each other, how do you make up?

Natasha: I always make up. She never fights, but when I do, she becomes quiet and I can’t stand it so I have to go and be like “please can you talk to me!”

Sabrina: The make up process has evolved over time with us. We are either grown up and can truly talk through an issue, which is actually really gratifying, or make baby noises and hug each other.

What is the one secret talent your sister has, that you wish you did too?

Natasha: The power to recognise things for what they are. She has a great ability to think with a lot of clarity in any situation.

Sabrina: She has incredible will power. She literally wills herself and circumstances into being what it is that she wants. I find that
truly magical.

Describe your sister in three words:

Natasha: Talented, beautiful, and very compassionate.

Sabrina: Childlike, fierce and a legend.

Which fictional character is your sister most like?

Natasha: In Frozen, the way Anna looks up to her older sister Elsa, and loves her, wants to fight for her and run after her, reminds me of Sabrina. I’ve actually even sent her pictures saying, “Sabrina this reminds me of you!”

Sabrina: Mufasa from The Lion King. That’s what she is to me.

How are your personalities similar?

Natasha: This may be because of our mother, but we are very similar in our values, way of looking at life and our morals. Though, we are quite different personality wise.

Sabrina: Both of us follow our own path notwithstanding other’s opinions or cultural norms. If it feels right we go ahead and do it.

I can’t live without my sister because…

Natasha: Because I would go mad! She keeps me sane. I call her my mini Buddha because if anything goes wrong, or there is any problem, she’s my teacher. She makes me zen, just by saying, “I’m here, and nothing is going to go wrong.”

Sabrina: She’s the yin to my yang.


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