Waning power: MQM stronghold in HMC shattered as staff jump ship

Corporation's union members joined PPP, much to mayor’s ire

Z Ali October 31, 2016
Those who joined PPP belonged to MQM and PTI. PHOTO: FILE

HYDERABAD: For decades, the office of the Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (HMC), locally known as the Baldia Aaala, has seen posters, banners and flags of a particular party adorning its walls and hanging from its roof and compound walls.

These symbols of political clout at the HMC office remind visitors of the political influence the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has enjoyed over the municipal staff since the party's inception.

But with the MQM's political strength waning, the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), in a first, has made inroads into the former MQM stronghold. On Monday, the HMC's staff union, which claims elected representation of around 2,200 staff members and whose majority comes from the Urdu-speaking community, announced joining the PPP.

The consequences of the union's shift of affiliation manifested in an instant reaction by HMC mayor Syed Tayyab Hussain, alleged PPP leaders Senator Aajiz Dhamra and Irfan Gul Magsi. The mayor was accused of putting a padlock on the door to the HMC's Jinnah Hall, where the union and PPP were scheduled to hold the joining ceremony.

"After a very long time, the PPP has won the fort of the HMC," said Senator Dhamra. "A political party had sown the seed of ethnic hatred in the HMC and today that party's mayor has again tried to fan ethnic discord by closing the hall," he said.

However, the hall's sealing did not prevent the union and PPP from announcing the joining. Hundreds of supporters marched from Magsi House to the HMC office on Station Road in a show of strength.

"We and the union have foiled the mayor's attempt to create hatred," shouted Senator Dhamra while addressing the participants. Former provincial minister Magsi said the HMC hall was previously used for events organised by the MQM and some non-governmental organistions.

"Soon the people will see the PPP winning popular support in Hyderabad," vowed Magsi, underscoring the social and political impact which the union's joining will entail. He went on to demand the resignation of the mayor and asked him to clarify whether he belonged to MQM-Pakistan or MQM-London. The party split up following its founder Altaf Hussain's controversial August 22 speech.

The leaders assured the union that the PPP and provincial government will protect them from every vindictive action which comes from the mayor as a reaction.

The PPP leaders and the union's leader, Akram Rajput, cut a cake and distributed sweets on the occasion as well. The HMC's mayor could not be contacted for comments.

The MQM won 79 out of 96 union committees in the HMC.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 1st , 2016.



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