Conspiracy afoot in Sindh: Altaf Hussain

Express May 09, 2010

KARACHI: MQM Chief Altaf Hussain said that certain elements are trying to fuel ethnic riots in Sindh. He said this during the Rabita Committee’s meeting held simultaneously in London and Karachi on Sunday.

The MQM chief added that the people of Sindh should be wary of conspiracies and remain united, while he accused landlords of hatching linguistic conspiracies in Sindh.

Sources say the MQM Coordination Committee may take a decision for MQM to quit the coalition during its meeting today due to the Hyderabad district controversy.

Sources also say that all provincial and federal ministers and advisors of MQM have already submitted their resignations to the MQM coordination committee.


Federal minister for petroleum and natural resources Syed Naveed Qamar said a decision to restore Hyderabad to its earlier status as a single district has not been taken as yet. He said the MQM's reaction to the proposals is premature.

Speaking to the media at his residence in Hyderabad, Naveed Qamar said restoration of the district to its previous status is a long held demand of the people.

He stressed that former President Pervez Musharraf's decision to divide the district was unjust and did not even comply with legal requirements at the time.

Naveed Qamar said the Pakistan Peoples Party always takes on board sentiments of locals and alliance partners when making such a decision.

The party in this case, he said, will follow its tradition of negotiations and move ahead after consensus is forged between the two parties.


Ali Haider | 14 years ago | Reply I don't think muhajirs are eating up any resources. I think they have equal rights on everything since they are Pakistani citizens. A Sindhi or Punjabi can not claim to have more rights than them. But at the same time, I know for a fact that many many muhajirs do not support MQM, and I think MQM and muhajir should not be used interchangeably. I do not agree to calling urdu-speaking people muhajirs. That sounds like not accepting them as Pakistanis. Which is wrong. But I guess the word has stuck around for so long because of MQM itself, which started of as Muhajir Qaumi Movement.
F | 14 years ago | Reply The current prime minister is Sindhi and all the former ones were also Sindhis. Unfortunately, Sindhi people always suffer from the party they elect, and then blame it on MQM or immigrants. Why are the areas where Sindhis are in majority are so underdeveloped? Larkana, the stronghold of PPP looks like a ruined town. Why does Sindhis love PPP when it does nothing for them? And if you like to continue to vote for wadairas please don't blame that mohajirs are eating up your resources.
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