BNP, BSO hold protest rallies

Rallies staged to condemn the killings of Baloch political opponents Jamil Yaqoob and Qayyum Baloch.

Express February 12, 2011

QUETTA: Balochistan National Party (BNP) and Baloch Student Organization (BSO-Azad) staged separate protest demonstrations in front of Quetta Press Club on Friday, condemning the killings of Baloch political opponents Jamil Yaqoob and Qayyum Baloch.

Their bodies were recovered on Thursday morning near Turbat city. The protestors chanted slogans against the PPP-led government accusing them of carrying out military operation in Balochistan. Separately, BSO also held a demonstration and accused secret agencies of killing Baloch political opponents in illegal-detention.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 12th, 2011.


saba baloch | 13 years ago | Reply Only a right wing extremist can call BNP and BSO-Azad as terrorist organistions. These very people are involved in the extra-judicial killings, the very same killings that have prompted such protests. Punjabis really do not care about Balochis, as also the Sindhis and the Pastoons. It is exhibited in the way they are commenting over here, in the way they support the extra-judicial killings, in the way they hand over innocent Balochis to Iran. It is clear that they only care about themselves. It is these very same Punjabis who are hand in glove with their American masters and who ask the americans to bomb the innocent pashtoons. Every time a Punjabi gets killed in retaliation there is so much hue and cry but this is never the case whenever an innocent baloch gets eliminated and his body is found lying unclaimed. To top it all he gets labelled as a terrorist. A similar scene is seen in Pakhtunistan, where hordes of innocent Pashtoons keep getting eliminated and no one even talks about them; this country cares only about a punjabi. Precisely why anyone who opposes getting killed at the hands of these punjabi terrorists gets labelled as a terrorist. Shameful to say the least. Shame Shame.
wahab | 13 years ago | Reply I am a Punjabi but I love Balochistan as much as I love Punjab. Lets not fight with each other and fight against these forces that work day and night to develop tensions between different provinces, casts and creeds in Pakistan.
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