Muslim world Conference on contemporary issues

Muslim conference elicits unusual interest due to charged atmosphere generated in the wake of the blasphemy debate.

Express January 24, 2011
Muslim world Conference on contemporary issues

A two-day international conference on ‘Islam and State: Practice and Perceptions in Pakistan and the Contemporary Muslim World’ opening on Tuesday at the Islamic University is eliciting unusual interest, possibly due to the charged atmosphere generated in the wake of the blasphemy debate.

There has been a rush on invitations which the organisers are finding hard to meet in view of the limited seating capacity of the venue and security concerns.

A press release issued by Islamabad Policy Research Institute on Sunday announced that only people carrying invitation cards will be admitted to the conference.

The conference is being organised to address the dichotomy between belief and practice that is prevalent in the present day Muslim world. Leading national and international scholars will participate in the dialogue.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 24th, 2011.


maryam khalil | 13 years ago | Reply as a muslim in my point of veiw this is a very important conference for the muslim unity and hope this conference should work for the benefit of islamic community as well.and this type of confrences helps in the development of islamic world-system.
alisaad | 13 years ago | Reply @mohammed+abbasi: is this abbasi, if i am right from Birmingham?
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