Lok Mela
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Lok Mela ends with vibrant ceremony
Jamal Shah says 10-day cultural festival’s focus was on national integration
Sindhi artisans shine at Lok Mela
Captivate visitors with unmatched skills in embroidery, Ajrak printing
Lok Virsa eyes building cineplex
Meeting praises Lok Mela for fostering national harmony
Lok Mela showcases cultural diversity
Folk music, local crafts welcome visitors to pavilions
Lok Mela pulls huge crowds on debut day
Provides a glimpse into Pakistan's rich cultural heritage
‘Preserve folk literature for children’
PAC inaugurates Punjab Pavilion at Islamabad Lok Mela
Lok Mela opens at Lok Virsa Complex
Around 500 master artisans, folk artists, and folk musicians are participating in this Mela from all over the country
Lok Mela annual folk festival starts Nov 6
Aims to bring forth talent of rural artisans, folk artistes
Strict SOPs for annual Lok Mela
Annual gala to go ahead despite covid
Colourful cultural showcase Lok Mela concludes
Best artists and craftspeople from all regions awarded prizes
K-P musical night captivates audience
Traditional Pakhtun dance of swords was the biggest crowd puller at Lok Mela
‘Punjab enjoys long, rich cultural heritage’
Heritage Secretary says archaeological sites help create strong reference for cultural advancements
Master artisans, craftspeople attract visitors to Lok Mela
Hundreds throng to see the culture of the country, sample regional delicacies
Cultural event continues to fascinate residents on day 2
Lok Mela promotes harmony among provinces
500 artisans, folk artistes come to Lok Mela
Festival brings together indigenous creativity in arts, crafts
Preparations for annual Lok Mela finalised
To start from November 15 at the heritage museum on Garden Avenue in Shakarparian
Colourful awards ceremony brings Lok Mela to a close
Annual festival proves to be a major draw for residents of twin cities
Lok Mela 2018: G-B musicians enthrall audience
Cultural heritage of all federating units presented
Lok mela 2018: Folk musicians perform for a jam-packed audience
Sheikh Rasheed applauds artistic talent at the festival
Lok Mela: Sindh musical night, mix of folk, Sufi music enthrall audience
Pavilions of provinces display culture, traditional architecture
Kashmiri musical night enthrals audience at Lok Mela
Shaista Rehman, specialising in the Kashmiri art of papier mache, is the festival's most prominent Kashmiri artisan
Annual Lok Mela comes to an end
Visitors and participants term it a great opportunity to learn about the culture and traditions of Pakistan
Lok Mela: Folk sights, sounds of Pakistan
Tribute paid to legendary folk artistes of Punjab
Lok Mela opens with folk songs, dance
The ten-day folk festival started at the National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage
Lok Mela Folk festival to open in April
Folk artists from across the country will converge to the cultural fare to enthral the visitors during the festival
Lok Mela: Remaining relevant through ages
Innovative 78-year-old truck art painter showcasing his talent