The film seems like a heart-warming and encapsulating tale of survival and companionship which goes against all odds.
Being clinical during a match is a term you won’t associate with Pakistan, but this was a complete performance.
Climate change and global warming do not cause hurricanes and storms, but they do add to their intensity.
The song that stands out so far is ‘Sab Maya Hay’, while ‘Laal Meri Pat' has been a disastrous rendition.
In her acceptance speech, she called for a world “free of the displaced, the homeless and the hopeless”– oh, the...
Millions of students are enrolled but only a handful have links with banned outfits, so how is curriculum the cause?
The movie looks like a jungle version of Danny Boyle’s The Beach mixed with Alejandro González Iñárritu’s The Revenant
It is appalling to see prejudice demand that you pay Rs500 to inhale the same air as the upper class.
Nanjiani glorified white women at the expense of brown women, subtly reinforcing the belief in white superiority.
With their neighbours suffering, India has turned a blind eye. So much so, that it is even threatening to deport them.