The servant was touching the young girl everywhere, and lifted his kameez and pushed the girl's face between his legs.
What kind of a turning point have we reached in society that people are too afraid to intervene & help save a person?
Looking at Real Madrid today, one would not believe that this team won three Champions League titles in four years.
Last week, we were all saying "#MeToo". Then why is it that a week later, we’re saying "yes, me too, but no, not...
Zardari’s 5 years did to PPP what Ziaul Haq’s 11 years, Ghulam Ishaq Khan’s 5 years & Musharraf’s 8 years could not do
Even though Jigsaw reverts back to the franchise's old roots, it is the most well-made and coherent Saw film yet.
SOC’s sister's dressing was targeted as well, reminding us that women who wear “indecent” clothes are “asking...
Putting behind the 2009 events was a brave decision, and Pakistan can never thank the Sri Lankan team enough for it.
PML-N’s method of scapegoating the already overburdened, underpaid medical workforce is as poetic as it is shameless.
The slut-shaming, the hypocritical behaviour, the cheating, all of it makes Amir Khan the worse one out of the two.