With no execution to speak of, it’s hard to pinpoint even a single redeeming feature that could justify watching it.
Our girls should be free to enjoy the rain just like our boys are; it is only fair, and should be such a big deal.
Instead of highlighting our progress in curbing corruption, IK's been lamenting about corruption on his foreign...
They say if you look at a person long enough, they will look back.
Call me biased but as a brown Muslim, I find Patriot Act to be the most relatable talk show being aired at the moment.
Mexico modifies the show’s formula in its own way and amplifies the genre thrills.
Modi knows the mask and the myth both lie busted. With nothing to boast, BJP plays the temple card to win elections.
Despite his stellar record, he has never been given a chance and has always been discarded without any valid reasons.
This is a struggle between many men to become the one powerful man in the province.
Leaving the arcade setting for the Internet theme doesn’t turn out to be the best choice for the sequel.