Blogs from Karmanye Thadani
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Without any investigation, how can Pakistan Hockey Federation drop Syeda Sadia and Iqra Javed for accusing their coach of sexual harassment?
Without any due proceedings or evidence that Javed is lying to support Sadia, why is she being punished as a player?
Donald Trump as US president would trump rationality and tolerance
To refuse to make such a distinction would be undermining the very human rights framework we seek to uphold.
Congratulations, Pakistan!
As an Indian, I must say, congratulations! You have indeed achieved some milestones in the recent past.
India and Pakistan both share the spirit of Bollywood
We should strive for less bloodshed and more music.
We need to stop exaggerating minority victimhood in India and Pakistan
It may also be noted that religion-based discrimination in India is not confined to being done by Hindus alone.
Dear America, how about practising what you preach on tolerance?
Innocent Muslims and innocent Sikhs have been sporadically targeted in hate crimes in the United States.
Did you know? 20 scientific inventions and discoveries that will blow your mind!
And yes, women shouldn’t for a moment think they are necessarily inferior to men when it comes to scientific genius.
From India: It wasn't us, Pakistan!
Pakistan’s priority ought to be to set its own house in order. Blaming India would certainly not help achieve that.
I am an Indian and I strongly condemn the attack on Ali Hassan Raza
The attack was an outcome of fanaticism from those who never understood religious groupings with an open mind.
Not every Hindu or Muslim is an extremist, Mr Nayyar
Indians and Pakistanis validate nationalism by exaggerating problems of minorities on the other side of the border.