Did your death represent the end of all that was good for PPP and Pakistan?
His arguments reek of childish grudges that he has held on to ever since he left the country, after being imprisoned.
Just when we think you’ve gained some much needed sense, you prove us all wrong.
Alcohol did not give rise to terrorism. It did not give rise to extremism. It did not give rise to sectarian violence.
Despite the hostile attitude on a federal level, the average Indian and Pakistani connects effortlessly.
This issue is not glamorous enough for the mass media and nor does it drive up ratings.
Growing up in Pakistan, it’s impossible to not come across the Pakhtun and homosexuality stereotype.
Marrying into an Ahmadi family, even today, is next to impossible as far as many of our parents are concerned.
He was an avowed socialist, who dreamed of freedom from the British Raj and of an egalitarian, secular India.
Most analysts in the Canadian political world agree that Trudeau's honeymoon may not last long, and they are correct.